2020-2021 Weekly News

Mid-Week Band News: March 17 – March 20

Symphonic II will have rehearsal Tuesday from 6:00-7:30.  Symphonic I and will have rehearsal Wednesday from 6:00-7:30 and Jazz...

Mid-Week Band News: June 3 – June 6

Welcome Letter for the 2020-2021 OCHS Band can be accessed at the following link Welcome Letter...

Mid-Week Band News: June 24 – June 27

Please click on the following video link for an introduction of our 2020-2021 Drum Majors.  https://ochs.band/about-us/drum-major-blurbs/9-drum-major-blurb...

Mid-Week Band News: June 17 – June 20

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88164491475?pwd=ZU40SHRGWkd2dTlEa1pYV3pCb09qdz09 Meeting ID: 881 6449 1475Password:  4bMnTK Please click on the following video link for an...

Mid-Week Band News: June 10 – June 13

Summer Packet Information has uploaded to the band website.  This information will not be printed by...

Mid-Week Band News: July 8 – July 11

The next Band Booster Meeting will be Thursday, July 16th via zoom.  A meeting link will...

Mid-Week Band News: July 27 – Aug 1

Greaters will be for sale during some portions of camp including all evening rehearsals from 8:45-9:00...

Mid-Week Band News: July 22 – July 25

Marching and concert shoes (“DINKLES") All freshmen, students new to OCHS band, and any students who...

Mid-Week Band News: July 15 – July 18

If you need to check out an instrument, purchase a music stand or Flip Folio please arrive...