OCHS Bands is an award-winning high school marching and concert band located in LaGrange, Kentucky. We are deeply dedicated to our amazing music programs and currently boasts a membership of nearly 150 high school music students!
Over the years, we’ve competed and performed at venues throughout the region, with many of our musicians earning placement among the All-National Honor Ensembles of the National Association for Music Education (NAfME), which represents the top performing high school musicians in the United States.
We are proud of the excellent talent, hard work and dedication of our student musicians, and we are grateful for the dedicated staff and volunteers who make this program a guided and encouraging educational experience. We set high expectations for ourselves and our students, who learn valuable life lessons as they strive for mastery through practice and teamwork. They never fail to rise to the occasion!
Our supportive band parents, alumni, and community volunteers play an important role in the success of our music programs through the OCHS Band Booster Association. The funds raised through this dedicated group supports our many musical endeavors and makes it possible for us to continue to provide an excellent band experience for all.
We hope you enjoy learning more about our band during your visit to our site, and we hope you’ll see a place within our programs where you can become a part of our musical tradition!