Mid-Week Band News: March 17 – March 20

  • Symphonic II will have rehearsal Tuesday from 6:00-7:30.  Symphonic I and will have rehearsal Wednesday from 6:00-7:30 and Jazz Band will meet after 7:45-8:30 through Spring Break.  After Spring Break rehearsals will resume after school on Tuesdays (Symphonic II) and Wednesdays (Symphonic I) from 3:45- 5:00 with the exception of the KMEA Rehearsal and recording dates listed below.  
  • Health Check Form must be completed prior to arriving at rehearsals. Health Check Link: https://forms.gle/oXV2k7PCGYNMWLrXA
  • Link to Instrumental Music Google Site: https://sites.google.com/oldham.kyschools.us/ochs-instrumental-music-2020-2/home
  • Please follow the links to read two articles which provide insight for our students and band program. This is to an article Mr. Rogers wrote: Moving It Forward in a COVID World to be published in the spring issue of the state music journal and an article Mr. Rogers recommends: Wholehearted Attention by NAfME Member Walter Bitner
  • The April Band Booster Meeting will be on Monday, April 19th at 7:00pm via Zoom.  Meeting Link will be sent after Spring Break.



Spring is just around the corner!  Time to think about adding flowers to your landscape!
The OCHS Band spring flower sale has you covered!  Please follow the links for the order form and information on choices.  

Flower Choices:  https://mcusercontent.com/778c454a91b2c1b8609991c3a/images/22cca47e-6c86-41a1-947d-651e4f05ca99.jpg
Flower Order Form: https://mcusercontent.com/778c454a91b2c1b8609991c3a/images/e9974393-429c-4c20-9bf1-a36f8f997736.jpg
When: Sales begin March 1st – March 24th
How: Reach out to friends, family, neighbors and local businesses!  All orders should be paid for when ordered and must be turned in by March 24.  
Delivery:  Last week of April or the first week of May.   
Bonus:  You don’t have to fight the crowds, the flowers will come to you!  Pick up will be at the OCHS parking lot date and time TBA.
Contact: nicole.tschappat@oldham.kyschools.us or jennsju[email protected]
We appreciate your support in this fundraiser!



All-County Band will be held at NOHS April 15-17 at NOHS.

Symphonic II: Wednesday, April 21 from 4:00-7:00 p.m. (includes set up, rehearsal and tear down)
Symphonic I: Thursday, April 22 from 4:00-7:00 p.m. (includes set up, rehearsal and moving equipment back to HS)
Performance recording sessions:
Symphonic II: THURSDAY, April 29th from 4:00-7:00 p.m. (includes dressing in concert black, set up, recording session and photo (?))
Symphonic I: FRIDAY, April 30th from 4:00-7:00 p.m. (same as above; return equipment to band room afterward).

The Band Banquet is scheduled for May 21st at 6:00pm in the OCHS Gym.  

Important Dates—Summer and Fall 2021
Marching Band Reading Session
          Last Day for Students (TBA);
          4:15-5:30 p.m. at OCHS
Summer Band Rehearsals
          Mondays and Thursdays
          Starts July 5th through the first day of the school year
          6:00-8:30 p.m. at OCHS
Oldham County Day Parade
          July 17th (a.m.; schedule TBA)
Band Camp Week
          July 26-30
          8:30 a.m—8:30 p.m. DAILY
After school rehearsals (marching band)
          Every Thursday; August 12—end of season
HOME FOOTBALL DATES FALL 2021 (required performances)
August 27th v. Shelby County
September 10th v. Meade County
October 7th (THURSDAY) v. Eastern (7:00 start)
October 22nd  v. GRC (we will not play this game-fall break)
(Fall Break     October 18-22)
October 29th v. Bullitt East (Senior night)



Assessment events will be virtual this year; solo and ensemble festival and concert assessments at the district level will be video/audio recorded and submitted for evaluation to KMEA.  Instructions have been posted to GOOGLE Classroom concerning the online entry process through Collabra (much like the All State audition process).  All OCHS students are required to perform ONE EVENT for the Solo/Ensemble assessment but can enter more than one event if they wish (I would recommend no more than three total events).

Mr. Rogers has been working to produce a virtual KMEA assessment recording for our two concert bands, using the large meeting rooms at the Arvin Center to facilitate whatever social distancing requirements we may be dealing with as we go forward.
After discussing with Arvin staff, the following dates are available:
Dress rehearsals:
Symphonic II: Wednesday, April 21 from 4:00-7:00 p.m. (includes set up, rehearsal and tear down)
Symphonic I: Thursday, April 22 from 4:00-7:00 p.m. (includes set up, rehearsal and moving equipment back to HS)
Performance recording sessions:
Symphonic II: THURSDAY, April 29th from 4:00-7:00 p.m. (includes dressing in concert black, set up, recording session and photo (?))
Symphonic I: FRIDAY, April 30th from 4:00-7:00 p.m. (same as above; return equipment to band room afterward).
Students on sports teams or who have after school employment obligations have more than one month to get these dates cleared and should do so immediately to ensure they will be rehearsing and performing with the band on these dates.  
The broad time frame is to ensure we have enough time deal with the fact that we won’t be "just down the hallway" to perform, must dress in concert attire after school on our "performance" days, and any other logistical issues.  If we finish early, that means our planning was solid and we were efficient in our use of the time we had.
This will be a big step in the direction we need to be going and will provide the opportunity of a traditional outcome for our work during this crazy time.  The recordings produced will be posted on YouTube for parents/relatives/supporters to view.



As you know, each spring our Photo Coordinator creates the End-of-Year Band Video for our graduating seniors and the rest of the band members. This year has been especially challenging with getting pictures of our band members. With few public appearances to pull from, it’s important that we capture as many photos and videos as we can of our band members. We are asking you for help in doing this.
Please do the following by no later than April 30, 2021:
1. Find any band pictures or videos taken this year already, preferably in a .jpg (photo) and .mp4 (video) format.
2. Take pictures of your band student practicing at home or putting on a family performance.
3. Create a folder on your desktop and save all of your photos and videos in the folder. 
4. Rename the folder in the following format using your band student’s name: 
last name_first name (Example: Fuller_Katie)
5. To upload your folder to the right location, do the following:

  • Click on this link: Photo Upload
  • Drag and drop the folder you created into the Google folder that opens up and says, "Drop files here"

If you have any questions, please send one email to the following two email addresses:

[email protected]; [email protected] 



The OCHS Band Boosters is needing volunteers for open positions for next year.  Board positions are elected positions called out in the By laws and include the officer positions and the class reps.  Committee Positions are non-elected positions. After surveying those currently serving, the following positions are open for next year:
Board (all positions except Treasurer are up for elections but the following do not have someone rerunning): 

  • Secretary
  • Sophomore Member at Large (currently Freshman Member at Large)

Committee Coordinators 

  • Oldham County Day Coordinator (would be both 2021 OC day if they have and 2022)
  • Script Gift Cards Coordinator
  • Hospitality Co-coordinator to work with previous year’s coordinator.
  • Letterman Jacket/Spirit Wear Coordinator
  • Picture Coordinator
  • All District Co-chair to work with previous year’s coordinator.
  • Alumni Coordinator

In addition, all committee positions are always open to shadowing or additional help.  The committees below will have Senior parent next year and would be great to have someone shadowing next year that could take over the following year: 

  • Sponsorships
  • Mums Sale Coordinator
  • Directory
  • Instrument Rental
  • Band Website Support
  • T-shirts

Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested in filling any of the roles listed above or if you are interested in shadowing any committee.  If you would like more details on each position’s role, please feel free to email me at [email protected] or contact the current coordinator. 




  • Don’t forget to bring your HORN, INSTRUMENT COVER, MUSIC STAND and FOLDER.  Jazz make sure you have your Jazz Folder.
  • Auditorium Seating Chart is posted to Google Classroom.  Woodwinds should enter and leave through the doors on stage left side of the area just in front of the stage; Brass/Percussion should enter from the doors in the back of the auditorium (gym lobby).
  • Masks are mandatory and "social distancing" will be enforced. 
  • Check in at the table in the band room for temperature and attendance.  HEALTH SCREENING SHOULD BE COMPLETED BEFORE YOU LEAVE HOME. Health Check Link: https://forms.gle/oXV2k7PCGYNMWLrXA
  • If you are quarantined, or have someone in your home dealing with COVID, please advise Mr. Rogers by email and DO NOT COME TO THE SCHOOL.

We will meet with Symphonic Band II (5th period class) on Tuesday evening,  from 6:00-7:30 p.m. 

We will meet with Symphonic Band I (6th period class) on Wednesday evening,  from 6:00-7:30 p.m. Jazz Band will meet after rehearsal 7:45-8:30.

9th grade percussionists should attend on Tuesday; all upperclassmen Percussionists should attend on Wednesday.  Tuba and Euphonium players will receive special instructions from Mr. Schmidt to enable you to work on both your KMEA conference music and rehearse with the bands.

We will keep this schedule for the foreseeable future; until we are back in person every day (not A/B), that is the only way to facilitate transportation for everyone.

After Spring Break rehearsals will resume immediately after school on Tuesdays for Symphonic II and Wednesdays for Symphonic I from 3:45-5:00.  

Parents and spectators will not be allowed to attend the rehearsals due to the restrictions.
If parents or their student are uncomfortable with this arrangement, they should let me know they will not attend. Please email with concerns [email protected]



Board Members for 2020-2021
President – Chad Adams
Vice President – Brandon Gossett
Secretary – Sandy Walker
Treasurer – Lisa Zahradnicek
Senior Member-at-Large: Sonya Cook
Junior Member-at-Large: Katie Fuller
Sophomore Member-at-Large: Stephanie Skeens
Freshman Members-at-Large: Natalie Dorris and Kristin Goodloe