2020-2021 Weekly News

Mid-Week Band News: Nov 18 – Nov 21

Link to Instrumental Music Google Site: https://sites.google.com/oldham.kyschools.us/ochs-instrumental-music-2020-2/home Health Check Form must be completed prior to arriving at rehearsals...

Mid-Week Band News: Nov 11 – Nov 14

Link to Instrumental Music Google Site: https://sites.google.com/oldham.kyschools.us/ochs-instrumental-music-2020-2/home Click here to view the Final Football Game Performance Click...

Mid-Week Band News: May 5 – May 8

New Band Director update:  The candidate screening committee interviewed 4 great candidates last Wednesday.  Some...

Mid-Week Band News: May 27 – May 29

Summer Packet Information has uploaded to the band website.  This information will not be printed by...

Mid-Week Band News: May 26 – 29

Weekly band rehearsals will take place immediately after school on Tuesdays for Symphonic II and Wednesdays...

Mid-Week Band News: May 19 – May 22

Weekly band rehearsals will take place immediately after school on Tuesdays for Symphonic II and Wednesdays...

Mid-Week Band News: May 12 – May 15

Seniors:  Please bring your Marching Band Senior Banner to school and give it to Mr...

Mid-Week Band News: March 31 – April 3

Symphonic I and Jazz Band will not meet for rehearsal this evening. After Spring Break rehearsals...

Mid-Week Band News: March 24 – March 27

Symphonic II will have rehearsal Tuesday from 6:00-7:30.  Symphonic I and will have rehearsal Wednesday from 6:00-7:30 and Jazz...