Band Boosters: Meeting Minutes for April

  • Welcome at 7:00pm, Chad Adams presenting. 14 in attendance
  • March Meeting Minutes – Melissa Gossett, Review & Approval-Charlie Christensen/Michelle Nation
  • April Treasurer’s Report – Lisa Zahradnicek, Review and Approval-Brandon Gossett/Charlie Christensen
  • Director’s Comments
  • Officer Elections
    • President:  Dorian Fix
    • Vice President:  Lisa Zahradnicek
    • Secretary:  Tricia Brown
    • Treasurer:  Angela Schmidt
    • Treasurer Elect:  Erika Watt
    • Senior Member at Large:  Stephanie Skeens
    • Junior Member at Large:  Natalie Dorris
    • Sophomore Member at Large:  Mary Tatum
  • Band Banquet
    • Friday, April 29th at OCHS Gym-Time to be determined
  • Upcoming Events
    • Wyatt Scholarship Applications due April 20th.
    • Pit Orchestra
      • Dress Rehearsals on April 20 and 21st
      • Shows on April 22 and 23rd
    • Prism/Chamber Ensemble Concert on April 26th at 7pm
    • Trumpet Ensemble on May 6th
    • KMEA State Concert Assessment on May 9th or 10th
    • Final Band Concert on May 16th
    • Graduation May 28th-Freshman, Sophomores and Juniors will play.  Working out details with Mr. Moore
    • Determining a good time to schedule a Jazz Café
    • Looking to add a Trombone Ensemble performance
  • Committee Coordinators for next year
    • Urgent (Have tasks in summer)
      • T-Shirts
      • Band Website Support
      • Instrument Rental
      • Volunteer Coordinator
      • Oldham County Day Co-chair to shadow current chair
    • Others
      • Sponsorships
      • Directory
      • Hospitality Co-chair with current chair
      • Picture Coordinator
      • Large Instrument Truck Coordinator
      • All District Co-chair with current chair
  • Committees Reports
    • Spring Flowers Sale-Delivery will be 4/27.  Need volunteers to help distribute flowers. Made $4,450 for band
    • Pictures-upload ASAP
    • Any others
      • Need to order new marching uniform items, taking inventory to see what is needed.
  • Election Results- all 100%.  All positions filled and elected unanimously
  • Determine next Booster meeting as the Final Concert will be on the third Monday-5/23 at 6pm.
  • Open Discussion/Other Business
    • Need new Bassoon reeds.  Need $136 for Bassoon reed invoice
    • Suggested to invite the band sponsors to end of the year concert with reserved seating.  Display our sponsor banner at the entrance of the auditorium.
    • Need a google doc for new and current band parents/students for general contact information.
  • Adjourned at 8:01pm-Lisa Adams/Katie Fuller