Band Boosters: Meeting Minutes for September

Band Booster Agenda September 20, 2021
  • Welcome at 7:05 pm, Chad Adams presenting, 10 in attendance
  • August Meeting Minutes – Melissa Gossett, Review & Approval-Motion to approve Brandon Gossett/Staci Centers
  • September Treasurer’s Report – Lisa Zahradnicek, Review and Approval-Motion to approve Nicole Tschappat/Tammy Passafiume 
  • Director’s Comments
  • Band Trip Update
    • Total going=105 (76 students; 29 parents/siblings)
    • Total on bus=97
    • Next Payment due October 8th by the end of school.  
      • We will have a parent also collecting on Thursday at the end of practice and would like to get most of the payments then.
  • Upcoming Events
    • After School Rehearsals on Thursdays
    • September 23rd Letterman Jacket Fitting (after rehearsal)-Details sent in email
    • September 24th Football Game—No Tailgate Meal 
    • September 29th U of L Help Session—Need 2 chaperones-Sign-Up Genius will be sent out
    • October 8th Football Game and 8th Grade Night/Tailgate-Sign-Up Genius will be sent out for volunteers
    • October 13th Halloween Concert at OCMS-Students may dress up 
    • Potential Jazz Band Opportunity
  • Committees Reports
    • Uniform Coordinators – Charlie/Becky Christensen-Sign-Up Genius for game night volunteers/ placing last minute concert attire order next week.
    • Hospitality—Tammy Passafiume/Bethony Keil-Sign-Up Genius for volunteers for 8th grade night tailgate meal
    • Directory—Katie Fuller-Links on Band Booster page
    • Pictures—Katie Fuller-Links on Band Booster page
    • Instrument Rental—Lorena Reed
    • Letterman Jacket—Erika Watt
    • All District—Jennifer Otterback-Will need at least 20-30 volunteers for Saturday 11/20. 
  • Fundraising
    • Graeter’s Ice Cream—Brenda Kibiloski
    • Mum Sale Coordinator—Nicole Tschappat/Jenn Silliman- A little over $5000.00 profit/ thank you to everyone who helped
    • Snapraise
    • DON’T FORGET about Passive Fundraisers (free money doing shopping you would be doing anyway)
      • Kroger Community Rewards, Oldham County High School Band or code QJ874
      • Amazon Smile, set your Amazon Smile Charity to Oldham County High School Band Boosters In your Amazon account
  • Band Booster Organization volunteers needed for this year
    • We need an All District Co-Chair with Jennifer Otterback.  Would be best to be a Freshman or Sophomore Parent who would be able to take over next year
    • Key Shadowing is the Web Site with Katie Fuller
  • Next Band Boosters meeting will be October 11th (second Monday of the month due to Fall Break).  
  • Open Discussion/Other Business
  • Adjourned at 7:59 pm Motioned by Tammy Passafiume/ Lisa Adams