Weekly Band News: September 1 – September 7

  1. In addition to needing help during the game to assist in moving drum major stands, moving water for the kids, photography, etc., we are also in need of parents to sit as "watchers" in the band section during halftime and 3rd quarter and not allow anyone but band members into that section.  If a few parents are willing to keep watch over the section while our kids are on the field during halftime and enjoying a break third quarter, it would be greatly appreciated. The link to help in this way is https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0448aaa628a3fb6-volunteers1.
  2. Graeter’s Ice Cream Sales is always a great fundraiser during our home football games.  This is a great opportunity for younger siblings to help support the band and middle school kids can use this volunteer opportunity for BETA hours, we just ask that an adult be with them to handle the money.  Please click the following link to sign up https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0448aaa628a3fb6-graeters.
  3. We will be hosting the 8th Grade band students from EOMS and OCMS and serving Chick-fil-a at our tailgate meal after school. Please see the sign up for what is needed to make this meal a success for our students at the following link https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0448aaa628a3fb6-tailgate3.

Thank you all in advance for helping make this season’s football games a great success!  GO COLONELS!
The Official Schedule
Home Football—Game 3

After school:  8th graders: store your instrument and case in the CHOIR ROOM
                        HS: we will store backpacks in the library (front reading section/tables)
4:30                 Tailgate meal in cafeteria (OCHS and 8th grade visitors)
                        All meet on band blacktop for rehearsal
5:15                 Run through show on blacktop—start on opening set, facing AWAY from building
6:00                 Inside; DRESS IN UNIFORM—leave “no trace” in areas used for dressing
                        8th graders—remain outside with Mr. R for instructions, then get your horn
                        (Woodwinds: bring your instrument in the case!)
6:30                 ALL Meet in front of the entrance to the school, two arcs (flip-folders!)
                        Rehearse SSB
6:45                 Two lines; into 4 lines
6:50                 March to stadium
7:00                 In our seats—it will be CROWDED!  Make it happen…
                        8th graders sit within your section
                        Play several tunes while teams warm up
7:23                 Team captains out
                        NATIONAL ANTHEM
7:28                 Team entrance/FIGHT SONG
7:30                 Kickoff
8:30 est.          Halftime; 8th graders remain in band seating area; when the show is
                        finished, move toward the concession stand while the band leaves the
                        You will have 3rd quarter to go to concessions ($$); back at 0:00
10:15 est.        Game ends; play 2-3 tunes while crowd clears
                        Make 4 lines on track (could be on the field as last week, depending 
                        upon the “traffic”
                        March back to the band room
10:30               ANNOUNCMENTS.  Take care of instruments; HANG UP UNIFORM.  
Uniform for this show: FULL UNIFORM.  You’ll need black CREW LENGTH socks, your marching band shoes (Dinkles), show shirt.  Ladies: hair must go under the hat!
Tunes in order:  You Can Call Me Al; Frankenstein; Lust For Life; Simon Closer

Congratulations on performing a full show last Friday!  Let’s improve on a great thing!

It’s that time again!  U of L Band Day for  2019 (7th annual) will be held in Cardinal Stadium on the U of L campus on Saturday, October 5th. U of L will play Boston College, game time TBA.  Each student and parent chaperone costs $20.00.  Participants will receive a game ticket and performers T-shirt; chaperones will receive a game ticket and my undying gratitude!  This has always been a fun day for those who attend, and I hope you’ll take advantage of the opportunity to experience a Division -1 college game day from the perspective of the collegiate marching band.  The form can be found on the band website at https://ochs.band/students/announcements/72-u-of-l-band-day-form.  Please print the form and attach the appropriate payment ($20.00 each person), and put it in the band room drop box no later than Tuesday, September 3rd.  Due to U of L Athletics ticketing deadlines, we won’t be able to take “late” requests!  I hope you’ll take advantage of this opportunity!
Senior Banners for the Senior Night Football Game on October 11th will be available for purchase for $35.  (This is a completely optional purchase.)  Order forms are available in the band room.  Photos will be taken by Beth Smith of Big Photo after school on Tuesday, September 3rd in the band room.  Payment is due on September 3rd with the order form, checks should be made out to Big Photo.  Seniors wishing to take part will simply need to stay after school on Tuesday.  Photos will be taken as students get ready, no signup is necessary.  For questions or additional information, contact Cindy Hardin at [email protected].

SnapRaise “homework went out on August 29th.  The homework consists of compiling a list of 20 (or more) email addresses of potential supporters of the band program (relatives, family friends, etc).  These email addresses will be entered into individual student “accounts” they will set up on September 5th during their band classes using their personal devices (tablets or phones).  It is very helpful to compile a list as a saved “note” on their device, then copy/paste into the account on kickoff day.  The project is most effective if EVERYONE in the program does the “homework”, as our percentage increases with the level of participation. To access a copy of the SNAP 20 Handout, click on https://gallery.mailchimp.com/778c454a91b2c1b8609991c3a/files/46d89de0-ceff-463c-8dbe-a420a4a1d279/Snap_20_Doc_copy.pdf or go to the announcements section of the band website at https://ochs.band.  SnapRaise is the most time-efficient and lucrative project we have, netting us over $14,000 last year.

September 6th – Home Football Game (8th Grade Night)
September 12th – MUM Pick Up after Marching Band Rehearsal
September 25th – All State Help Session Uof L (5:00pm)
October 5th – U of L Band Day
October 10th – Last Thursday after-school marching band rehearsal (4:00-6:00pm)
October 11th – Home Football Game (Senior Night/Homecoming)
October 14th – Symphonic Band I 3:45-5:00pm (Monday-starts concert band sequence)
October 15th – Symphonic Band II 3:45-5:00pm (Tuesday-starts concert band sequence)
October 16th – Halloween Concert at EOMS
October 21st-25th – Fall Break
November 4th – WKU All State Audition Clinic
November 7th – 10th NAfME All National Honors Ensembles, Orlando FL
November 14th – Fall Concert 7:00pm
November 15th – Jazz Café I 7:00pm
November 18th – 22nd Seating Auditions (makeups 25th and 26th)
November 21st 5th District Auditions at OCHS
November 24th -26th EKU Honor’s Band
November 27th-29th – Thanksgiving Break
December 14th – All State Auditions (John Hardin High School)
December 17th – Holiday Concert
December 18th- 21st – Midwest Int’l Band and Orchestra Clinic
The updated full band schedule can be found on the band website at https://ochs.band.

Remind 101
Marching Band students who have a cell phone – please join Mr. Rogers Remind 101 Student group by texting @ocmc2019 to 81010
Parents – one parent from each family please join Mr. Rogers Remind 101 Parent group by texting @ocbandb19 to 81010.  NOTE: All messages sent to the student’s group are also sent to the parent’s group. 

Facebook – Oldham County HS Band Boosters! (the exclamation point is part of the name)
Parents and students – request to join if you are on Facebook
Website – OCHS Band website, https://ochs.band – please check out the NEW band website for band information, calendar, forms, etc.
Contact Mr. Rogers at [email protected]
Contact the Band Boosters at [email protected].

Past Emails and other important information can be found on the OCHS Band Website at https://ochs.band.  Questions or corrections to this newsletter can be sent to Sonya Cook at [email protected].