Weekly Band News: December 8 – December 14

Pep Band Rosters and Schedules

Pep band lists for the basketball season are attached below.

Students received them in class Tue Nov 27, and they have also been posted to Google Classroom and www.eboard.com/rogersbrad.

The first game (both bands, doubleheader vs. Trimble Co.) is this Friday, December 13th. Students need to be in the bandroom at 5 pm. They can wear whatever they want (as long as it meets school dress code rules.)

Boys’ game starts at 7:30 pm so I’m guessing the girls’ game probably starts at 6 pm. Allow 1-1/2 hours after game time as a gauge of about when to pick your kid up (somewhere around 9:00-9:15.)

Click on one of the following to locate students’ name and basketball schedule.

Pep Band A – Roster and Schedule

Pep Band B – Roster and Schedule

All State Band
The Official Schedule for All State Auditions Saturday, December 14th, 2019 at John Hardin High School, Elizabethtown, KY.  Schedules can be found on Google Classroom and Eboards.
10:00 am Band room opens
10:30 Load bus
10:45 Leave for Elizabethtown
12 noon Lunch (McDonald’s, corner of Joe Prather and US31W)
12:45 To JHHS
1:00 Arrive; move equipment in to commons area
Register ($8.00) and pick up audition card
2:21 First OCHS audition time
8:15 Latest OCHS audition time
9:00 Leave for home
10:30 Home Sweet Buckner

You will need:

  • Your horn and any items needed (extra reeds, etc.) for your performance
  • $8.00 (cash) for your audition fee
  • $$ for concession items (or bring something you like with you)
  • Your “wits about you”!

Onsite guide:

  • Pay for your audition by purchasing a ticket at the table near the entrance.
  • Take your ticket to the registration table where you will exchange it for your registration card.
  • The woodwind, brass, and percussion warm-up areas are in the gym. There will be signs directing you. Do not leave personal items unattended.
  • Take your registration card with you to audition.
  • Be ready to begin as soon as you enter the room, there is not time for room warm-up.
  • Place your music – set your stand/chair – then begin, do not wait for a judge to tell you to begin.
  • Your auditions are “blind” and there should be no contact or dialogue with the judges. Do not ask them questions – simply play your music.
  • The prepared selection should be played as written. Your music is designed to run no more than two minutes given correct tempo. Wind rooms are set up on three minute intervals. Percussion rooms are set up on five-minute intervals. There will be a sample copy taped to the music stand in the prepared room in case you need it.
  • You will sight-read (and winds will play scales) after you have performed your prepared material. You will be guided through that process.  Percussion will remain in the same room to sight-read (no scales). Winds players will be walked to another room.
  • You will be given 30 seconds to study the music, which will take approximately 30
  • seconds to play.
  • The sight-reading judge will verbally tell you to begin.

I have been so impressed by the quality of the work you have done on the respective
excerpts—try to relax and enjoy the opportunity! Don’t over-warm up, or expect to
make any improvements or changes on the day of the audition. Reserve the entire
day for one great performance, and simply use the warm up room to get yourself and
your instrument ready to do that.
If you are transporting yourself, please allow yourself adequate time to arrive at
least ONE HOUR prior to your posted audition time. READ the instructions sheet you
received this week (or on eboard) so you will “know the drill” before you get there.
If you are being transported to JHHS and will ride the bus home, PLEASE let me know
BEFORE SATURDAY. If you are riding the bus there and being picked up after your
audition (parent only), you MUST check out at our group table in the commons area
before you go.
Results of the auditions are to be posted by the end of the day Monday on the KMEA
website (www.kmea.orgwho earns a chair in one of the groups. PLEASE….if you don’t hear it from me, you
really won’t know for sure.
KMEA Solo and Ensemble Assessment
All students are required to perform ONE event at Solo and Ensemble Assessment.  That could be a solo performance, or the member of a duet, trio, quartet, or other chamber ensemble.  Forms to enter the event have been provided to the students and can be found on the OCHS Band Website under the announcement tab at 
https://ochs.band. Fees are $7.00 for a solo, $12.00 for an ensemble of 2-16 members.  Forms are due no later than December 17th.

WKU Honor Band
Congratulations! The following students have been accepted to perform with the WKU Honors Bands in January (Jan. 23-25).
Sawyer Jones
Ashtyn Jones
Natalie DeSimone
Chloe Otterback
William Middleton
Aaron Cook
Logan Sweasy
Venessa Miller
The participation fees will need to be sent to WKU in the coming days, prior to the holiday break.  The acceptance form, along with a check for participation fees and hotel accommodations must be turned in no later than Monday, December 16th.  If for some reason you are unable to participate in this clinic, please let me know immediately so I can inform WKU and they can call up an alternate.  We can talk more on Monday…again, congratulations!!
Uniform Coordinator
We will be in need of a uniform coordinator for the 2020-21 school year.  If you would be interested in this position and would like to shadow our current coordinator to see what this position involves for next school year, please contact Melenie Woosley at [email protected].
Important Dates to Remember
December 7                             All State Jazz auditions (St. Xavier HS, Louisville)              
December 14                           All State auditions (John Hardin HS)
December 17                          Jazz Band at Rotary Club (Lunch Meeting)
December 17                           Holiday Concert
January 10-11                          All District Bands (Martha Layne Collins HS)
January 23-25                          WKU Honors Band
January 24-25                          U of L Honors Band
January 31-February 2           UK Honor Band 
February 5-8                            KMEA All State Bands/ KMEA Conference
February 22                            CCM Essentially Ellington Jazz Festival (Jazz Band)
March 7                                    KMEA Solo and Ensemble Assessment (NOHS)
March 12                                  Band Concert
March 14                                  PBM Invitational Concert Festival (Male HS Louisville)
March 18-20                             KMEA Large Ensemble Assessment (NOHS DAY TBD)

The updated full band schedule can be found on the band website at https://ochs.band.

Past Emails and other important information can be found on the OCHS Band Website at https://ochs.band.  Questions or corrections to this newsletter can be sent to Sonya Cook at [email protected].