Huge THANKS to our Hospitality Committee, Kim Zarotny and Cathy Middleton, for organizing our band camp instructor meals and an awesome picnic/pool party!
Last but certainly not least, thank you very much to Luke Douglas of Webbering – Website Design, Development, Hosting and Support (, [email protected]) for our terrific new OCHS Band website, Luke is a corporate sponsor for the band and donated his services to design and build our website. Thank you so much for your generosity, Luke! Everyone, be sure to check out our new website.
UPDATE: Parents and Guardians, please read, print and sign the Parent / Guardian Technology Consent Form prior to the start of school and have your student return the document to Mr. Rogers on the first day of school or before during summer band practice. This form is in addition to all other mandatory forms for the year in the Summer Packet 2019-2020.
Marching Band Rehearsal Mon & Thu 6:00 – 8:30 pm
Remaining evening marching band rehearsal dates are August 5, 8, and 12.
Students, please bring your own water bottle to rehearsal, marked with your name.
Parents, if your student is on vacation and will miss rehearsal, please notify Mr. Rogers at [email protected].
Thursday after-school marching rehearsals begin Aug 15 and will continue during football season.
Band Schedule
August 14th – First Day for Students
August 15th – First Thursday (after-school) marching rehearsal (4:00-6:00pm)
August 19th – Band Booster Meeting 7 pm in band room, all parents are invited to attend
August 23rd – Home Football Game
August 30th – Home Football Game
September 6th – Home Football Game (8th Grade Night)
October 10th – Last Thursday after-school marching band rehearsal (4:00-6:00pm)
October 11th – Home Football Game (Senior Night/Homecoming)
October 14th – Symphonic Band I 3:45-5:00pm (Monday-starts concert band sequence)
October 15th – Symphonic Band II 3:45-5:00pm (Tuesday-starts concert band sequence)
October 16th – Halloween Concert at EOMS
October 21st-25th – Fall Break
November 4th – WKU All State Audition Clinic
November 15th – Jazz Café I
November 18th – 22nd Seating Auditions (makeups 25th and 26th)
November 21st 5th District Auditions at OCHS
November 27th-29th – Thanksgiving Break
December 14th – All State Auditions (John Hardin High School)
December 17th – Holiday Concert
Letterman Jackets & Other Band Spiritwear Apparel(these are completely optional purchases)
The Representative from Neff Co, the letterman jacket manufacturer, will be in the band room Thu Aug. 15 at the end of Marching band practice. They will measure to ensure the right fit for all letterman jackets orders. All letterman jacket orders must be placed that day.
Jackets may be paid in full when ordering or, there is the option to pay half the cost when ordering and the other half at pick up. Checks can be made to OCHS Band Boosters.
Orders for band Spiritwear apparel may be placed anytime between now and Aug 15 and do not require measuring. To order band apparel, please place order form and check, made out to OCHS Band Boosters, in an envelope and drop in the band dropbox no later than Aug 15.
For the order form, pictures, and pricing of both letterman jackets and other Band Spiritwear Apparel, please go to the Student Tab of our new band website,, and click on announcements. There you will find links for viewing the order forms/apparel.
Questions can be directed to Sonja Neely at [email protected] or (803) 476-6762.
If you haven’t had a chance to join Mr. Rogers Remind 101 text group, join our Facebook group, or if you feel you’re not receiving timely information, please see below “How we communicate” below for directions to these. Our main mode of communication is Sunday evenings (and most Wednesday evenings) via email. Please make sure we have a good email contact for at least one parent.
How we communicate announcement/event information –
1) Each Sunday evening, an email is sent with details of the week’s band activities, as well as a preview of upcoming events. This is our main source of communication.
If it’s a busy week or there’s new info since Sunday, a Wednesday email will be sent out too. Please read these so you and your student will have the needed info about when, where, what to wear, what to bring, etc.
2) Mr. Rogers sends abbreviated reminders for the week via the Remind 101 App on Sun evening, as well as on an “as needed” basis when plans change. (i.e. change of plans due to heavy rain)
Marching Band students who have a cell phone – please join Mr. Rogers Remind 101 Student group by texting @ocmc2019 to 81010
Parents – one parent from each family please join Mr. Rogers Remind 101 Parent group by texting @ocbandb19 to 81010
IMPORTANT NOTE: All messages to the student’s group are also sent to the parent’s group.
3) The Band Boosters group maintains a private Facebook group called Oldham County HS Band Boosters! (the exclamation point is part of the name.) You can request to join through Facebook and we’ll add you. This is a good place to get quick answers to your questions because many people will see your question fairly quickly.
4) To communicate back with information or questions:
a) If you are communicating your student is sick/on vacation and will miss a rehearsal, please email Mr. Rogers directly at [email protected]
b) For Band Boosters questions and business, use email address [email protected].
For questions or corrections to this newsletter, please email Sonya Cook at [email protected].