Weekly Band News: April 5 – April 11

  • Summer Band Rehearsals will begin on July 6th.  (Monday and Thursday evenings 6:00-8:30pm.)
  • Band Camp will be July 27-31.  Band Camp is mandatory for all band students.
  • We are in the early stages of planning a Spring Band Trip for 2021.  More information to come on location, dates, potential cost and OCBE approval.

Band Booster Leadership Positions
It’s that time of year to begin thinking about next school year and the leadership of the OCHS Band Boosters.  The following Board positions will be open for the 2020- 2021 school year and are a vital part in the success of our students and the OCHS Band Program.

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer – This position needs immediate attention for someone to shadow our current treasurer.

In addition to the above listed Board Positions, the following positions for next school year also need to be filled. 

  • Co-Chair for Hospitality
  • Show T-Shirt Coordinator
  • Shoparoo Coordinator

If you would be interested in stepping into any of these positions or would simply like to know more about what they involve, please contact Lana Downs at [email protected].
Uniform Coordinator
We will need a uniform coordinator for the 2020-2021 school year.  If you would be interested in this position and would like to shadow our current coordinator to see what this position involves, please contact Melanie Woosley at [email protected].
Pit Orchestra Crew Coordinator
We will need a Pit Orchestra Crew Coordinator for the 2020-2021 school year. This position is responsible for coordinating volunteers for seating and drum major stand setup at football games, concert stage set up, and instrument truck rental for away events.  If you would be interested in this position and would like to shadow our current coordinator to see what this position involves, please contact Lana Downs at [email protected].
Band Banquet Photos and Slideshow
The band banquet has always included a slide show with photos of the band and videos of the seniors at the end.  With the virus, we are uncertain of the future. Hopefully, school will be in session and the slideshow DVD’s will be ready to buy for $10.00 but if school is cancelled, we will sell them in July when band starts up again.  If your student is moving or will not be in band next year and you would like one, please email me at  [email protected].  I am asking every parent to send me one photo of your student in band. I want to make sure everyone is included. Please post the photos to the Oldham County HS Band Boosters! Facebook page by Friday, April 17th or email at [email protected].

Important Dates to Remember

May 4                                    School is back in session
May 15                                  Jazz Café
May 21                                   Spring Concert
May 22                                   Band Banquet at LaGrange Baptist Church