Mid-Week Band News: Oct 14 – Oct 17

  • Health Check Form must be completed prior to arriving at rehearsal/games each day. https://forms.gle/5x8ciKADV5GziHtA9  Form and QR Code have also been posted to Google Classroom.
  • The next Band Booster Meeting will be Monday, November 16th at 7:00pm via zoom.   We hope you will attend!

UNIFORMS – Any questions, please e-mail [email protected]

Concert Attire

Concert dresses will be distributed this week.  Dresses must be hemmed (floor length with black dress flats/1” pumps – NO HEELS) prior to first performance.  If you have not yet paid, please bring check for $55 made out to “OCHS BAND BOOSTERS”.  Questions or recommendations for hemming – please email [email protected]

Tux shirts will be distributed after fall break when freshmen are fitted for tuxedos.  Please bring check for $17 made out to “OCHS BAND BOOSTERS”.

Marching Uniforms 

ALL uniforms will need to be laundered prior to returning to the band room after fall break. Instructions for cleaning will follow in Sunday’s Booster email and will be posted on Facebook.  Please return any borrowed Dinkles clean in the marching uniform bag.


What’s a better way to "kick off" a great fall break than a great fall football game with the band.  This Friday will be full uniform so we will need helpers making sure the Marching Colonels are dressed to the nines.  I will not be able to make this game so all you with a photographic eye, please take those photos and post on the page.

We need about three helpers to help unload chairs and ladders from the truck at the field house gate (next to tennis courts) to set up before and tear down after the game.

We need water handlers, helpers passing out food, and distributing water are among our weekly needs.  To sign up, please click on the link below to volunteer and help make these last of two games GREAT!

We are in need of a new photo coordinator.  If you enjoy taking and compiling photos this is your chance to shine. Responsibilities include taking photos at band events and compiling and organizing photos taken by other band parents for year end celebration.   Please email OCHSBandnews@gmail if interested.


Because students are expected to put in 40 minutes on the days they are not in the building, all virtual day students will join those taking in-person instruction through Google Meet on the days they are not here for their class.  A Meet Link will appear each day in the Google Classroom stream; students should join the meet just prior to their regular class time.  There is a camera that streams the in-person class to those joining from home.  This way, all students can at least keep up with the "other half" of their class and will receive the same announcements and information as those who are in-person.  There will be some written work (music theory) and individual playing evaluations, but at this time I’m primarily interested in coming as close to a "band rehearsal" as possible even though we can’t really play "together" in real time.  Using an on-screen QR code to log both attendance and an exit ticket are part of the expectation on virtual days as well.

The seating charts/assignments for the A/B "bands" have been uploaded to GOOGLE Classroom and will also be uploaded to the band website.  Each student will set up for their in-person classes on the SAME marked spot (dots in the band room floor, numbered) for all rehearsal activities, during or after school.  These spots are socially distanced; each student will continue to use their personal music stand.  

Our required after-school rehearsal schedule going forward:

ALL B Day students will rehearse: Tuesdays from 4:00-5:15
ALL A Day students will rehearse: Wednesdays from 4:00-5:15

All students are expected to attend one rehearsal after school each week, and are graded on their attendance and participation.  In addition, our sectional coaches will by necessity be using this time to pull their sections for their time with the students and/or any individual lessons you might arrange with them.  These rehearsals are extremely important, especially with the alternating nature of our in-person opportunities and the fact that "both bands" (Symphonic I and II) are randomly combined under the A/B format.

Finally, please take full advantage of the communication sent through booster email, the website, Remind, and IC Messenger.  We can guarantee there WILL be changes, usually at the last minute, that will impact us going forward.  We will do the very best we can to keep everyone in the loop!  Attendance is expected at band rehearsals.  If you’re unable to attend for any reason, please notify Mr. Rogers at bradford.rogers@oldham.kyschools.us.  

ALL students must complete the attendance check in to verify your arrival and attendance–this is in ADDITION to the health check survey and is used to confirm your attendance at required rehearsals and performances.

A-Day/B-Day schedule for in-person CLASSES

A Days: Monday, Wednesday, + Alternating Fridays
B Days: Tuesdays, Thursdays, + Alternating Friday

Week 10/5-10/9:
A’s: Monday, Wednesday
B’s: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday


HOME FOOTBALL DATES (Required Performances)
October 16th vs. Bryan Station
October  30th vs. Collins

Fall Break October 19th -23rd

There has not been a band calendar published yet because everything has been so fluid in terms of scheduling in general.  Normally, we would publish a set calendar.  Rather than doing that and having to change everything multiple times, we will continue the practice of getting all information concerning potential performances and rehearsals out to everyone in as timely a manner as possible.  With that in mind, here are some future events we will attempt to hold between now and Christmas break; you should consider these "tentative" at this point, because the venue may need to change to accommodate either the audience or the performers:

November 12th: Fall Concert
November 13th: Jazz Cafe I
Seating Auditions: November 16-20
December 15th: Holiday Concert   

There will be "more", but that’s all we have at this point.  We will update any changes or additions as they come.


Snap! Raise kicked off September 21st and we are looking forward to a successful fundraiser.  To date we have raised $17,488.  Thank you to everyone who is participating!

Top Five:
Cecilia Reed
Maddie Hudson
Emma Christensen
Abby Hardin
Hanna Christensen

51 students $100.00-$825.00
8 students $50.00-$99.99

72 student accounts created (out of potential 128)…13 of the accounts created have 0-6 emails!  20 counts as "participation".

Participation level is still under 80%.  Let’s see if we can push this over the top in the next few days.  It can mean hundreds–even thousands–of dollars at the end of the project.

If you have neglected to select prizes, you’ll need to do that if you expect to get one!

If you still need to sign up, please use the following link: 


You will be directed to add your emails. The expectation is that every member of the band has 20 QUALITY EMAILS uploaded to your profile. I will be able to track this!  Make sure your emails do NOT include students, teachers, fake emails, etc. and are only legitimate potential donors. Again, I will be tracking this. WATCH THIS VIDEO for steps on how to login, or create an account, and pre-load your emails: https://vimeo.com/417930119/1ee285c7fa. Thanks for all your hard work toward another successful Snap! Raise project this year!  Snap! Raise information is also posted at the OHCS Band Website.  Click here to get started with your Snap! Raise homework!


Next summer begins now – connect with GSA this autumn! We’ve rolled out a few new opportunities for GSA applicants and their supporters. Check out the info below – we hope to connect with you soon!

  1. Don’t forget to check out the full calendar of this autumn’s virtual info sessions, including a chance to hear directly from adjudicators in all nine artforms. The updated full schedule is available here – register today! 
  2. Educators and organizations can now request a personalized virtual GSA info session. Make your request here.
  3. Applicants can now view a brief video about GSA to experience the program’s energy in a more dynamic way. Check out the video, along with a brochure for applicants, here.
  4. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram, and contact us anytime with questions/ideas at gsainfo@kentuckyperformingarts.org



Last year, many outstanding businesses and corporations supported the Oldham County High School Band by donating goods and services for our marching and concert 2019-2020 seasons. The entire band and our many football game and concert attendees had the benefit of their generous support as they enjoyed each of our band’s musical performances. We were–and are–very grateful for their support!   Corporate Sponsorships are $500 annually and the fee may be waived in exchange for services and goods that help to make the band successful each year. Examples of these goods and services include donated catering services, printing services, uniform cleaning services, web hosting services, and sign and banner production services. If you are interested in sponsoring the OCHS band for the 2020-2021 school year, please contact us. Or if you’d rather speak in person, I’m happy to stop by and talk through how your business can support our band this year.  Please use the following link for additional information. https://ochs.band/donation


An OCHS Band Directory will be compiled and published among the band members this fall.  Participation in the directory is completely voluntary.  If you wish to be included in the directory, please complete the online form found at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc90cDQcWD-kq8hvgu3xEPjxbhYdNuG0Rz6UqCnMbOX8yjfxA/viewform


Board Members for 2020-2021
President – Chad Adams
Vice President – Brandon Gossett
Secretary – Sandy Walker
Treasurer – Lisa Zahradnicek
Senior Member-at-Large: Sonya Cook
Junior Member-at-Large: Katie Fuller