Mid-Week Band News: March 11 – March 14

  • Wednesday, March 11th: Class rehearsals in auditorium; Symphonic II 3:45-5:00
  • Thursday, March 12th: Pit Orchestra 7:30-8:30 a.m.
  • Thursday, March 12th: KMEA Festival concert at 7:00pm Concert Attire required. (tux and black concert dress) Report to the band room by 6:15. Concert is $5.00. Middle school band students and small children are free.
  • Friday, March 13th: NO SCHOOL (teacher workday)
  • If you are someone who performed on a school owned marching brass instrument, please take a moment to clear out your flipfolder and any personal items from your instrument case, store your Sousaphone in the proper case (check serial number on the valve casings with the number on your case).  Pick up of these instruments will be THIS FRIDAY for maintenance and any needed repairs; this is necessary to get them back in time for the last day "reading session" and any summer checkouts prior to summer rehearsals beginning in July.

Thursday, POST KMEA Concert
We need 4-5 more volunteers to help with stage extension tear-down. To help, please follow this link:
Phi Beta Mu Concert Festival 
Symphonic I Only

The Official Schedule
Phi Beta Mu Invitational Concert Festival
Saturday, March 14th, 2020
Male High School, Louisville
You will need:
Concert attire.  Gentlemen: I would suggest laundering your tux shirt on Thursday night after our Festival concert performance so you can look (and smell) your best!
$$ for lunch at Mall St. Matthews
The clinic session with a notable University conductor and a chance to hear groups we rarely have an opportunity to listen to are what makes this festival unique.  It is also a great opportunity for them to hear YOU, and to perform our festival selections in a non-adjudicated event before we have our KMEA Assessment on the 20th.
Please be a GREAT audience for other groups performing (put away your cell phone, no conversations while bands perform, etc.)—you would expect the same from them!
9:00 am            Band room open
9:30                  Load equipment on the truck
                        Dress in uniform (ladies, come dressed for the concert)
10:20                Leave for Louisville
11:00                Lunch at Mall St. Matthews food court (careful of uniforms…)
12:00                Leave for Male HS
12:30                Arrive Male HS; assemble instruments (mouthpiece caps on reeds), gather folders
1:00                  In auditorium to listen (Muhlenberg, Ohio, Pikeville)
3:20                  Move to the warmup room (band room)
3:30                  Warm up
4:00                  Performance
4:30                  On stage clinic with Dr. Jay Gephart (Purdue University)
5:00                  Recognitions; final remarks                 
5:30                  Move to truck; pack up
6:00                  Leave for home
6:45                  Home Sweet Buckner
                        Unload it all
                        Put uniforms away PROPERLY; take home personal uniform items!!
Congratulations on your selection to perform in this event!
KMEA Large Ensemble Assessment
We will be performing with both concert bands on Friday, March 20th for KMEA assessment at NOHS. Our performance times are 3:20pm for Symphonic II and 6:40 pm for Symphonic I.  Band Boosters will provide a light dinner for students.  We will need to leave after lunch from school that day, back around 8:00 p.m.
Band Photos
If you have any photos that you would like included in the end of year slide show at the Band Banquet, please post then to the Oldham County HS Band Boosters! Facebook page by Friday, April 17th
Important Dates to Remember
March 12                                  KMEA Festival Band Concert
March 14                                  PBM Invitational Concert Festival (Male HS Louisville)
March 19                                  Band Booster Meeting
March 20                                  KMEA Large Ensemble Assessment
March 30- April 3                    Spring Break
May 15                                     Jazz Café
May 21                                     Spring Concert
May 22                                     Band Banquet at LaGrange Baptist Church