Band Boosters: Meeting Minutes May

Agenda Items:

  • Welcome 7:06, Lana Downs presiding, Brad Rogers hosting Zoom meeting, 18 people attended
  • April 23rd Meeting Minutes – Cathy Middleton, Reviewed, Motion to approve by Katie Fuller, 2nd by Susan Bunting, approved
  • Treasurer’s Report – motion to approve by Cathy Middleton,2nd by Susan Bunting, approved
  • Hospitality – Band banquet replacement options committee – Kim Zarotny, Cathy Middleton, Melanie Woosley, Lisa Adams, Kathleen Beville, Sonya Cook. If anyone else is interested in participating in this, please contact either Kim Zarotny at [email protected] or Cathy Middleton at [email protected].   The committee will be meeting next week to finalize plans after finalizing discussions with Andy Moore.
  • Uniform Coordinators – Charlie and Becky Christensen
  • Show Shirts – Lisa Adams, finalizing designs and need sizes.
  • Welcome letter to incoming freshman- who is writing it? Sending it? Adding to it?  Bypass this for now.  This needs to be discussed at the next meeting!
  • Band Booster Organization volunteers needed for next school year

–  President (must fill this position with a vote by May 30th2020 in order to keep our nonprofit status)
–  Vice President
–  Freshman Parent Member at Large
–  Hospitality Committee (2 volunteers to chair)
–  Pit Crew Coordinator (Coordinate volunteers for percussion stands, seating and drum mayor stand set-up at football games, concert stage set-up)
–  Large instrument Truck Coordinator
–  Kroger Community Rewards Coordinator
–  Mum Sales Coordinator

  • Voted for the following positions

– Sandy Walker – Secretary, motion to approve by Susan Bunting, 2nd by Katie Fuller, approved as Secretary
– Lisa Zahradnicek – Treasurer, motion to approve by Cathy Middleton, 2nd  by Tammy Passifuime, approved as Treasurer