Band Boosters: Meeting Minutes July

Band Boosters Meeting Minutes
July 16, 2020

  • Welcome at 7:02, Chad Adams presiding via Zoom meeting, 18 people attended
  • Welcome to new Band Booster Parents
  • Director’s Comments – see email
  • Welcome – Introduce Executive Board Officers
    • President Chad Adams
    • President-Elect Brandon Gossett
    • Secretary Sandy Walker
    • Treasurer Lisa Zahradnicek
    • Treasurer-Elect Melissa Gossett
    • Freshman Member-at-Large —Voted for Natalie Dorris and Kristen Goodloe 
    • Sophomore Member-at-Large Stephanie Skeens
    • Junior Member-at-Large Katie Fuller
    • Senior Member-at-Large Sonja Neely
  • Board Freshman Parent Member at Large 
    • Booster Board has decided to have two freshman at large members due to the large size of the class
  • Communication –Sonya Cook
  • Website –  Click here to find the weekly newsletter
  • Directions for Remind 101, Facebook, etc in Sun night emails from [email protected]
  • Each student can up to 3 email addresses for the Sunday/Wed night e-newsletters from Sonya Cook
  • Remind 101 – be sure to have up to date class codes; students can check Google classroom for info
  • Facebook page – Oldham County HS Band Boosters!
  • Review of June Meeting minutes – Katie Fuller motioned to approve, Charles Christensen 2nd 
  • Review of June Treasurer’s Report – Lorena Reed motioned to approve, Katie Fuller 2nd 
  • Review of 2020-2021 budget – Lorena Reed motioned to approve, Sonya Cook 2nd 
  • Upcoming Events
    • Rehearsals-Mondays and Thursdays
    • Band Camp—July 27-July 31 (see emails for updates)
  • Committees Reports
    • Uniform Coordinators – Charlie/Becky Christensen
    • Show Shirts – Lisa Adams
    • Hospitality—Tammy Passafiume/Nicole Tschappat
    • Directory—Katie Fuller (need to get a few students to finish this)
    • Instrument Rental—Lorena Reed
    • Letterman Jacket—Sonja Neely – prices may need to be increased due to shipping costs
    • Website—Katie Fuller – any students that are interested in helping should contact Katie, especially those interested in computer science
    • Pictures– Kathleen Beville – post photos in the Facebook group; photos will be used to create a slideshow at the end of the year
    • Volunteer Coordinator—Kathleen Beville
    • Large Instrument Truck Transport—Casey Burrows
    • All District—Jennifer Otterback/Sonja Neely – unknown if this will happen due to Covid
    • Drum Major Stand/Stage Setup and Breakdown—Eric Tschappat – waiting to see what may be needed
  • Fundraising
    • Graeter’s Ice Cream—Brenda Kibiloski – increase price to $4 per container to increase profits
    • Scrips Gift Cards—Angie Barrett
    • Sponsorships—Katie Fuller
    • Mum Sale Coordinator—Nicole Tschappat/Jenn Silliman – Info will be coming home with students soon
    • Snapraise – will get info during band camp
    • There was some discussion about possibly getting a Square for payments for fundraisers
    • DON’T FORGET about Passive Fundraisers (free money doing shopping you would be doing anyway)
      • Kroger Community Rewards, Oldham County High School Band or code QJ874
      • Amazon Smile, set your Amazon Smile Charity to Oldham County High School Band Boosters In your Amazon account
  • Band Booster Organization volunteers needed for this year
    • Alumni Coordinator
    • Shadowing Opportunities
      • Good role for new parents
  • Open Discussion
    • Kathleen Beville suggesting keeping a binder for each job/position that would be helpful to the person taking over the position
    • Email Sonya Cook at [email protected] if something needs to go into the newsletter
    • Next Band Boosters meeting will be August 17th (third Monday of the month)
    • Meeting adjourned at 8:33, Kathleen Beville motioned to adjourn, Katie Fuller 2nd