Band Boosters: Meeting Minutes for October 12

  • Upcoming Events
    • After School Rehearsals, Tuesday for B; Wednesday for A
    • Next two football games are Oct 16th and Oct 30th
    • Fall Concert is Nov 12th – virtual?  
    • Jazz Café I is Nov 13th – virtual?
    • Seating Auditions:  Nov 16-20
    • Holidena Reed – nothing new
    • Letterman Jacket—Sonja Neely – nothing new
    • Pictures– Kathleen Beville – Need someone to take pictures on Oct 16th
    • Volunteer Coordinator—Kathleen Beville
    • Large Instrument Truck Transport—Casey Burrows – thank you for help with lights 
    • All District—Jennifer Otterback/Sonja Neely
    • Drum Major Stand/Stage Setup and Breakdown—Eric Tschappat
  • Fundraising
    • Graeter’s Ice Cream—Brenda Kibiloski
    • Scrips Gift Cards—ay Concert:  Dec 15th
    • Committees Reports
      • Communication–Sonya Cook – nothing new
      • Uniform Coordinators – Charlie/Becky Christensen – students will not be wearing hats/plumes; will place one more order for tux shirts; still waiting on a few payments
      • Show Shirts – Lisa Adams – there are extras to be sold
      • Hospitality—Tammy Passafiume/Nicole Tschappat
      • Directory—Katie Fuller – nothing new
      • Website—Katie Fuller – nothing new
    • Instrument Rental—LorAngie Barrett – hoping to have this set up after fall break
    • Sponsorships—Katie Fuller; new sponsor – Bluegrass Family Wellness 
    • Mum Sale Coordinator—Nicole Tschappat/Jenn Silliman
    • Snapraise
    • DON’T FORGET about Passive Fundraisers (free money doing shopping you would be doing anyway)
      • Kroger Community Rewards, Oldham County High School Band or code QJ874
      • Amazon Smile, set your Amazon Smile Charity to Oldham County High School Band Boosters In your Amazon account
  • Band Booster Organization volunteers needed for this year
    • Alumni Coordinator
    • Shadowing Opportunities
      • Good role for new parents **need someone for communications**
  • Open Discussion
  • Next Band Boosters meeting will be November 16th.  We may also have a Board meeting on November 9th.
  • Meeting adjourned at 8:02;  Katie Fuller motioned; Stephanie Skeens 2nd