- Welcome at 6:05 pm, Brandon Gossett presenting, 75 in attendance
- April Meeting Minutes – Melissa Gossett, Review & Approval-Angela Schmidt/Renee Harris
- May Treasurer’s Report – Lisa Zahradnicek, Review and Approval-Not completed in time for the meeting-will have for the June Booster meeting
- Director’s Comments
- Upcoming Events
- Graduation, May 28th
- Summer Practices—Mondays and Thursdays; starting July 7th-6:00-8:30pm
- Oldham County Day—July 16
- Band Camp—July 25 through 29
- Will need a Freshman Class Representative to the Band Board—Elections in July. Please email [email protected] if you are interested.
- Committee Coordinators Needs for next year
- Urgent (Have tasks in summer)
- T-Shirts
- Band Website Support
- Volunteer Coordinator
- Others
- Sponsorships
- Picture Coordinator
- Large Instrument Truck Coordinator
- Drum Major Stand/Stage Setup & Breakdown
- Mum/Flower Coordinator to work with a co-chair
- All District Co-chair with current chair
- Urgent (Have tasks in summer)
- Band Communication
- Band Emails—Sent on Sundays and Wednesdays.
- Most used communication tool—One adult from each family needs to join email list at a minimum.
- Email [email protected] to join email.
- Facebook group: Oldham County HS Band Boosters!
- Is a private group. Approval by Admin required
- Good place for parents to ask questions of other parents
- Band Director is not on this site so make sure to focus question for him via email
- Remind and Google Classroom
- Used by Mr. Centers after school starts
- Used for special announcements, reminders, and changes
- Parents can signup on Remind.
- Band Emails—Sent on Sundays and Wednesdays.
- Next Band Booster meeting will be Monday, June 13th
- Open Discussion/Other Business
- Buying news bibs-$3600-Tammy Passafume/Nikki Melton-motion carries
Adjourned at 6:46pm-Katie Fuller/ Stephanie Schindler