- Welcome at 7:01 pm, Chad Adams presenting, 10 in attendance
- Thank you to everyone who helped at Last Friday’s game
- September Meeting Minutes – Melissa Gossett, Review & Approval: Sandy Walker/Charlie Christensen
- October Treasurer’s Report – Lisa Zahradnicek, Review and Approval: Brandon Gossett/Staci Centers
- Director’s Comments
- Band Trip Update
- Total going=105 (76 students; 29 parents/siblings)
- Total on bus=97
- Payment was due last Friday
- Next Payment due November 12th by the end of school.
- Disney accepted the band for the workshop on Monday April 4, 2022
- Upcoming Events
- After School Rehearsals on Thursdays-ending 10/28
- After School Rehearsals on Tuesday/Wednesday for concert band start 11/2
- Band 2 on Tuesdays—
3:45 – 5 pm:4:00-5:15 pm
- Band 1 on Wednesdays—
3:45—5 pm: 4:00-5:15 pm
- Band 2 on Tuesdays—
- October 13th Halloween Concert at OCMS
- Jazz Band Play at EOMS October 14th
- Last Football game/Senior night on October 29th. Will need non-Senior parents to volunteer. Be on the lookout for Sign Up Genius
- U of L Marching Band Day, November 13th—Form/payment due on October 13th
- All District Auditions at OCHS on November 20th, auditions start at 2pm, students may start arriving as early as 1pm, setting up rooms Friday November 11th from 5-7pm. Will need volunteers for this as well
- Committees Reports
- Uniform Coordinators – Charlie/Becky Christensen-need around 20 volunteers to wash Marching Band uniforms around the first week of November
- Hospitality—Tammy Passafiume/Bethony Keil-Sign up Genius for tailgate meal
- Directory—Katie Fuller
- Pictures—Katie Fuller-keep posting them on facebook or send pictures and/or videos to Katie
- Letterman Jacket—Erika Watt-should be in end of October or first of November
- All District—Jennifer Otterback
- Fundraising
- Graeter’s Ice Cream—Brenda Kibiloski
- Sponsorships—Katie Fuller
- Snapraise-$23,135 has been raised so far
- DON’T FORGET about Passive Fundraisers (free money doing shopping you would be doing anyway)
- Kroger Community Rewards, Oldham County High School Band or code QJ874
- Amazon Smile, set your Amazon Smile Charity to Oldham County High School Band Boosters In your Amazon account
- Band Booster Organization volunteers needed for this year
- IMPORTANT: We need an All District Co-Chair with Jennifer Otterback. Would be best to be a Freshman or Sophomor Parent who would be able to take over next year
- Key Shadowing is the Web Site with Katie Fuller
- Next Band Boosters meeting will be November 15th; Board meeting week of November 8th
- Open Discussion/Other Business
- Adjourned at 8:02 pm, motioned by Charlie Christensen/Jennifer Otterback