Band Boosters: Meeting Minutes for August

Band Booster Meeting Minutes August 16, 2021
  • Thank you to everyone who has help in Summer Rehearsals, Band Camp, and the Picnic/Pool Party.
  • Welcome at 7:03 pm, Chad Adams presenting, 12 in attendance 
  • Thank you to everyone who has help in Summer Rehearsals, Band Camp, and the Picnic/Pool Party.
  • July Meeting Minutes – Melissa Gossett, Review & Approval by Charlie Christensen and Michelle Nation
  • August Treasurer’s Report – Lisa Zahradnicek, Review & Approval by Brandon Gossett and Tammy Passifume
  • Director’s Comments
  • Band Trip
    • Around 75 student and 18 Chaperones (plus 2 siblings) are going
    • Committee setup to help manage documents and details for the trip
    • Next Payment due September 10th–$300 for students; $305-389 for adults depending on # in room 
  • Upcoming Events
    • Afterschool Rehearsals—Thursdays thru October
    • Mum Payments Due—August 25th
    • First Football Game—August 27th
    • Mums Pickup—September 9th
    • Second Football Game—September 10th
    • U of L All State Help Session—September 25th – Official sign ups and times to be sent out in a few weeks
    • Symphonic Band 1 Picture—September TBD-For KMEA in Tuxes and Dresses
    • Snapraise—September TBD
    • Third Football Game/8th Grade Night—Thursday, October 7th
    • Combined OCMS/EOMS/OCHS Halloween Concert—October 13th
  • 1st Football Game – Friday, August 27- students will be in full uniforms in ball caps.  Students will wear show shirts under uniforms 
    • Order of events for games (info for new parents)
      • Tailgate meal immediately following school
      • Dress for game
      • Practice
      • March to stadium
      • Play pep songs during 1st and 2nd quarter
      • Perform half-time show
      • 3rd quarter is a break to get refreshments at snack bar, sit with friends/family, go to restroom
      • 4th quarter play pep songs, continue playing several songs after the game (while stands clear out)
      • March back to band room as a group
      • Put instruments away / announcements
    • Volunteers Needed for Football game Be on the lookout for Sign Up Genius
      • Hospitality Committee will be coordinating Tailgate Meal 
        • Band Boosters will provide pizza
        • Need additional food (chips, water, desserts)
        • Help with set-up and clean-up of meal
      • Volunteer Coordinator – Lisa Adams
        • Transport water/ice to/from stadium
        • Transport drum major stands to/from stadium 
        • Hand out water during game
        • Take photos of band during game
        • Video half-time show (don’t have to be a professional videographer to video show)
        • Sell Graeter’s ice cream before and during the game
        • Sit in band section while students marching halftime & 3rd quarter when they go for snacks.
  • Committees Reports
    • Uniform Coordinators – Charlie/Becky Christensen Volunteers will be needed to help students get dressed. Looking at fitting for tuxes on 8/24 and 8/31.  Fitting for Girls ONLY on 9/2 for dresses.
    • Show Shirts – Lisa Adams store is open; link is on Facebook and will be put in email
    • Hospitality—Tammy Passafiume/Bethony Keil
    • Directory—Katie Fuller
    • Instrument Rental—Lorena Reed
    • Volunteer Coordinator—Lisa Adams-Sign up Genius coming out for football games, all district, mums pick up, and concert attire fittings
    • Any other reports
  • Fundraising
    • Graeter’s Ice Cream—Brenda Kibiloski
    • Sponsorships—Katie Fuller
    • Mum Sale Coordinator—Nicole Tschappat/Jenn Silliman
    • Any other reports
    • DON’T FORGET about Passive Fundraisers (free money doing shopping you would be doing anyway)
      • Kroger Community Rewards, Oldham County High School Band or code QJ874
      • Amazon Smile, set your Amazon Smile Charity to Oldham County High School Band Boosters In your Amazon account
  • Band Booster Organization volunteers needed for this year
    • Photo Coordinator
    • Alumni Coordinator
    • Shadowing Opportunities
      • Good role for new parents
  • Next Band Boosters meeting will be September 20th (third Monday of the month); Executive Board Meeting Tentatively September 13th.
  • Open Discussion
  • Adjourned at 8:32 pm:  motioned by Lisa Adams and Charlie Christensen