Weekly Bands News: April 10 – April 16


  • Band Trip follow up:
    • Members of the OCHS Band traveled to Orlando, FL this past week and participated in the Disney Imagination Workshop for high school band students. The students recorded several songs, one of which was added to a scene from The Lion King. This will be shared with students for a limited time via google classroom and at the band banquet. Due to copyright restrictions, we are not permitted to duplicate, distribute, and/or post on any internet sites such as YouTube or Facebook. 
    • Mr. Centers would like to thank all the parents/adults who traveled with the band to make this trip possible by serving as chaperones. This trip would not have been possible without your help – thank you very much!
    • We had a few items left behind: a dinosaur claw necklace and a black umbrella. These items have been placed in the band room’s lost and found by the exterior door
  • PRISM Concert: An OCHS Band Chamber Ensemble Concert will be held on Tuesday, April 26 at 7PM in the OCHS Auditorium
    • This concert will feature small ensembles from each of our band sections
    • The audience will be surrounded by the music as each section will showcase their performers
    • All participating students will need to report to the auditorium at 5pm for staging rehearsal
  • The 6th and 7th Period Bands along with the Percussion students have qualified for KMEA State Concert Assessment. This will occur at the University of Louisville on May 9 or 10 and will be scheduled by KMEA officials by mid-April.
  • The OCHS Trumpet Ensemble will present a concert on Friday, May 6 at OCHS Auditorium. 
  • Stephen Foster Music Camp
    • EKU is offering a full scholarship to the Foster Music Camp. More information below:
    • All information and forms can be accessed from the webpage this year
    • http://www.jacobsmusiclegacy.org 
    • Please make students aware that they will need to attach two documents with their application.
  1. Please attach a one-page essay describing how music has affected their life. Please include what you hope to learn from this experience.
  2. Please attach a teacher recommendation letter from either your school band instructor or your band teacher
    1. All applications should be received by April 23rd.
    2. Selection will be made by May 1st
  • Solo and Ensemble Assessment Event (S&E) RECAP
    • All students must fill out the Google Form found in their Google Classroom to receive their final credit for S&E
    • Any student who was ill or missed their performance at S&E  for an excused absence must make up the S&E performance with Mr. Centers to receive their performance grade. See Mr. C to schedule an appointment
  • The Band Banquet date has been set for Friday, April 29th 
  • Spring Flower Fundraiser
    • Flowers will be delivered Wednesday, April 27  and can be picked up after school. 
    • We will need 5 or 6 parents to help with the delivery on April 27  at 1:00pm
  • Concert Recording from December Band Concert
    • There are two CD/DVD recordings that have not been picked up. These are located on the dry erase board in the band room
    • If you ordered an audio recording (MP3) that was to be emailed to you and you have not yet received it, please contact Brad Ritchie at [email protected]
  • School Musical
    • Schedule for Pit Orchestra
      • We had to add a rehearsal to Tues. April 12 4:00-6:30pm due to slow progress from the May 30 rehearsal
    • A roster for Pit Orchestra has been posted
  • Summer Band Dates:
  • 2022-2023 Officers and Coordinators
    • As we turn the page to 2022, the OCHS Band Boosters is looking for parents to volunteer for next year in Committee Coordinator positions.  Many of the parents that currently hold these positions are Senior parents and we want to make sure there is enough time for transition to happen.  
    • Per our bylaws, Officer nominations are required by the March Band Booster Meeting and the election will be held during the April meeting.  
    • Descriptions for all the Officer positions and the Committee Coordinator positions held by Senior parents is at the end of this email.  
    • Please email at [email protected] if you are interested filling a Committee Coordinator role or want more information.  
      • Note:  One position that could use shadowing ASAP is Band Web Support. 
      • We have someone volunteering for all Board positions.  We still need Committee Coordinators.
  • The online band spirit wear store is open!  Use this link to order additional band shirts, hats etc.  
  • We are compiling a band directory.  Please opt in to include your student and family information here in order to help everyone be in touch as needed!  Complete the google form using this link.
  • Summer Music Camp Opportunities for high school students off campus


Concert Band practices will be from 4 pm – 5:15 pm on Wednesdays for Symphonic Band 1 and Thursday for Symphonic Band 2.  



  • It’s not too late to order gift cards through Scrip to earn money for the band!  Here is some information:  Website: ShopwithScrip.com
  • Our Enrollment Code: D7944F4229834
  • Amazon Smile:  In your Amazon account, set your charity as as the “Oldham County High School Band Boosters”
  • Kroger Community Rewards:  Oldham County High School Band or code QJ874 


REMIND Text for OCHS Band 

Remind Texts will be used to notify parents of the OCHS Band of any special announcements or reminders 

This is an optional communication that you can choose to join to be notified of special announcements and reminders 



Are you or your student musician interested in joining the Oldham County Community Band?  

Students who rehearse and perform with this ensemble can claim Beta or NHS community service hours…as a bonus, they’ll have a horn on their face for at least two additional hours a week, reading and performing music they won’t see in their school ensemble rehearsals!  What a deal…

The OCCB has plenty of room for students on any woodwind, brass or percussion instrument, but those who play double reeds, clarinet, horn, flute or percussion would be huge in balancing the group and opening up even more repertoire possibilities.

 Any kid you consider an “advanced” middle schooler (grade 2-3 capable; good readers) will be able to hang on; most high schoolers fit in right away.  There is no audition or membership fee involved for students. 

The group generally performs grade 3-4 concert literature, marches, popular music medleys and show tunes.  The plan for post-COVID includes performances in late October/early November, Christmas, mid-winter (February/early March) and spring.  Check out the informational flier here!


We communicate band news through various channels.  Please feel free to pass this information to other new parents who may not be receiving communication yet.

  • Emails: Each Sunday evening, an email is sent with details of the week’s band activities, as well as a preview of upcoming events.  This is our main source of communication.  If it’s a busy week, or there is new information since Sunday, a Wednesday email will be sent out as well.  You may request to be placed on the email list by emailing your students Name, Grade and Instrument to [email protected].  
  • Facebook: The Band Boosters group maintains a private Facebook group called Oldham County HS Band Boosters!  You can request to join through Facebook and we’ll add you.  This is a good place to get quick answers to your questions, as many people will see your post fairly quickly. 
  • Band Website
  • Contact Information:  For Band Booster questions and business, please use the band booster email [email protected].

SAVE THE DATES – Important Dates – 2021 & 2022 School Year

  • Concert Band Rehearsals:
    • Band 1 is on Wednesdays from 4pm – 5:15pm.
    • Band 2 is on Thursday from 4 pm – 5:15 pm.
  • April 26: PRISM Concert, Chamber Ensemble Concert, 7pm OCHS Auditorium
  • April 27: Spring Flower Fundraiser Flower Delivery
  • April 29: Band Banquet
  • May 6: Trumpet Ensemble Concert, OCHS Auditorium
  • Week of May 16: GALA Concert (Date TBD)
  • July 25-29: Band Camp 2022 at OCHS


Board Members for 2021-2022

  • President – Chad Adams
  • Vice President – Brandon Gossett
  • Secretary – Melissa Gossett
  • Treasurer – Lisa Zahradnicek
  • Treasurer-Elect – Angela Schmidt
  • Senior Member-at-Large: Katie Fuller
  • Junior Member-at-Large: Stephanie Skeens
  • Sophomore Member-at-Large: Natalie Dorris
  • Freshman Members-at-Large: Mary Tatum

Access the Band Booster Board and Committee Leaders Contact List for additional names and contact emails using this Band Booster Board and Committee Leaders Contact List link.

Past Emails and other important information can be found on the OCHS Band Website at https://ochs.band.


There are two groups for OCHS Band Boosters:  Officers and Committee Coordinators.  Current holders of these positions are in theattached spreadsheet along with their email addresses.

Committee Coordinator Positions:  These positions are not elected.  Multiple parents can share the coordinator position if desired.  

Below is a list of the committees that we currently know need to be filled for next year.  The best way to find out more details on the committee’s role and responsibility is to contact the current coordinator.  Current holders of these positions are in the attached spreadsheet along with their email addresses.

  • Sponsorships
  • Directory
  • Hospitality–Need 1 parent to work with last year’s coordinator
  • Instrument Rental
  • Band Website Support
  • Pictures/End of Year PowerPoint
  • T-Shirts
  • Volunteer Coordinator
  • Alumni Coordinator
  • All District–Need 1 parent work with parent who shadowed this year
  • Drum Major Stand/Stage Setup & Breakdown
  • Large Instrument Truck