Weekly Band News: March 1 – March 7

We’ve received  $77.96 from the AmazonSmile Foundation.  Thank you to everyone who is using Amazon Smile and designating their charity as Oldham Co High School Band.
Regional Pep Band Games
Pep Band Games for Basketball Regional are as follows.  Students may sign up in the band room to attend.  These games are optional.  Games will be played at Henry County High School.

  • Tuesday, March 3rd, Girls Game:  Bus leaves at 5:00 returns to OCHS at 8:30.
  • Thursday, March 5th, Boys Game: Bus leaves at 5:00 returns to OCHS at 8:30.
  • Friday, March 6th, Girls Game:  Bus Leaves at 6:00 returns to OCHS at 10:00.
  • Saturday, March 7th, Girls Final:  Bus Leaves at 5:00 returns to OCHS at 9:30.

Phi Beta Mu Concert Festival
We are still in need of 2 chaperones to ride on the buses and 1 truck driver for the instruments for the Phi Beta Mu Concert Festival Saturday, March 14 at Male High School. Bus departs from OCHS
KMEA Large Ensemble Assessment
We will be performing with both concert bands on Friday, March 20th for KMEA assessment at NOHS. Our performance times are 3:20pm for Symphonic II and 6:40 pm for Symphonic I.  Band Boosters will provide a light dinner for students.  We will need to leave after lunch from school that day, back around 8:00 p.m.  We are still in need for 3 chaperones for the buses for KMEA Festival on Friday, March 20, 2020 at North Oldham High School. Bus departure time is after lunch. https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/20F0448AAA628A3FB6-chaperone2
Band Booster Leadership Positions
It’s that time of year to begin thinking about next school year and the leadership of the OCHS Band Boosters.  The following Board positions will be open for the 2020- 2021 school year.

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer – This position needs immediate attention for someone to shadow our current treasurer.

If you would be interested in stepping into any of these positions or would simply like to know more about what they involve, please contact Lana Downs at [email protected].
Uniform Coordinator
We will need a uniform coordinator for the 2020-2021 school year.  If you would be interested in this position and would like to shadow our current coordinator to see what this position involves, please contact Melanie Woosley at [email protected].
Pit Orchestra Crew Coordinator
We will need a Pit Orchestra Crew Coordinator for the 2020-2021 school year. This position is responsible for coordinating volunteers for seating and drum major stand setup at football games, concert stage set up, and instrument truck rental for away events.  If you would be interested in this position and would like to shadow our current coordinator to see what this position involves, please contact Lana Downs at [email protected].
In addition to the above positions, the following positions for next school year also need to be filled.  Please contact Lana Downs at [email protected] if interested.

  • Show T-Shirt Coordinator
  • Co-Chair for Hospitality
  • OC Day Coordinator
  • Shoparoo Coordinator

Arts on the Green
Arts on the Green, Yew Dell Botanical Gardens, July 25-26.  We would love to showcase our local talent and give your students the opportunity to perform and gain exposure. There will be both fixed and strolling entertainment at this year’s Arts Festival. If students are interested in participating in any of the following, please let Mr. Rogers know.
Important Dates to Remember
March 7                                    KMEA Solo and Ensemble Assessment (NOHS)
March 12                                  Band Concert
March 14                                  PBM Invitational Concert Festival (Male HS Louisville)
March 19                                 Band Booster Meeting
March 20                                  KMEA Large Ensemble Assessment
March 30- April 3                   Spring Break
May 15                                     Jazz Café
May 21                                     Spring Concert
May 22                                      Band Banquet at LaGrange Baptist Church