Mid-Week Band News: July 22 – July 24


  • We will have a Notary on site July 22nd from 5:30-6:00pm.  There will also be a notary at the 1st morning of band camp during morning check-in.
    • Bring photo ID
    • Our thanks to Jenn Silliman for helping with this!
  • Summer Packet Documents can be accessed at this linkfor those having trouble with the website.
  • July Band Director comments can be accessed using this link.
  • Band Booster Meeting documents and videos are uploaded to the following link.  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SR5yvIIIfKOYCYRyK3M3DL1jclLgm0ie?usp=sharing
  • Band Camp Starts Next week—See detailed schedule below.
  • Uniform & Shoe Fittings: Marching / concert shoe (“DINKLES”) fitting will be Thursday, July 29, from 10:30-1 pm during band camp.  All freshmen, sophomore girls, students new to OCHS band, and any students who have outgrown their shoes from last year will need to bring $31 cash or check payable to “RRR Band Accessories”.  This will be the ONLY shoe purchase for the year.  If payment for shoes is not received at the time of fitting (Thursday), an extra $15 fee will be automatically applied.
  • Senior Uniform Fittings:  Monday, July 26th from 5-6:30 pm – Seniors will be fitted for marching uniforms in the band room in preparation for Tuesday’s Senior pictures. 
  • Senior Poster Pictures:  Seniors will be getting pictures made on Tuesday, July 27th, at 5:30 pm for the Senior Posters that will hang at the Football field during Marching Session.  Details are listed below.  Please email [email protected] if you want a poster for your student and if they will be eating a pizza. They will have uniform fittings during the Dinner Break on Monday, July 26th.  (Additional details are below.)
  • “NEW TO BAND” Band Parent Meeting:  There will be a meeting for Parents that  are new to the full band experience (Primarily Freshman & Sophomore parents) on Monday, July 26th at 7 pm in the Auditorium.  We will present what goes on during the band year and how the boosters help make the band happen.  There will be time for some question and answers.
  • HELP NEEDED!  Band camp is a pivotal week for our band community.  We are so excited to make this week AMAZING for our musicians as they kick off the year and prepare for marching season.  There are MANY moving parts that make band camp a success each year.  Please take a moment to check the Sign-Up Genius links below and choose the ways your family can help make this week a huge success.   If you are able to sign up for multiple options that would be a HUGE help to the Directors, Section Coaches and our kids as they make memories and build skills this coming week!  
  • Our 2022 Band Trip will be April 2-8, 2022 (during spring break) and we will be traveling to Orlando, FL and visiting Walt Disney World and Universal Studios.  There will be a special Band trip meeting at 7:30 pm on Monday, Aug 2nd, in the Auditorium where Ron Roth from Taylor Tours will go through the details and answer any questions.  Click on this link for the 1 page summary from the Booster meeting for more information on the trip!
  • On Friday, July 30th from 6 pm – 8 pm (At the end of band camp), there will be a Pot Luck Picnic for all Band Students and their Families at Wendell Moore Park.  There will also be a Pool Party at the Aquatic Center for Band Students only from 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm that same evening.  More details on both events will be sent in Sunday’s email.
  • Reminder to all parents who are using school instruments (this includes all percussion)—Please turn in your completed instrument rental form along with a check for $80 made payable to Oldham County Band Boosters as soon as possible.  Someone will be available to collect this at the beginning of tomorrow’s practice and in the morning of Monday of Band camp.  Your student can also turn in money in the black safe located by Mr. Center’s office.
  • We have openings for Committee Coordinators.  See the listing below and email [email protected] if interested. 
  • Summer Band Rehearsals will be on Mondays and Thursdays starting  July 5th through the first day of the school year 6:00-8:30 p.m. at OCHS.
  • Fundraising Reminders: 
    • It’s not too late to order gift cards through Scrip to earn money for the band!  Here is some information:
    • Amazon Smile:  In your Amazon account, set your charity as as the “Oldham County High School Band Boosters”


We are arranging to have Beth Smith from Big Photo onsite Tuesday, July 27th (during Band Camp), to take photos and make posters that will hang on the fence during the home football games (see below for an example from last year).  Seniors will need to be in uniform with instrument and arrive promptly at 5:30 pm (they have a dinner break from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm).  In order to make dinner plans easier, we will make pizza available for those who want it for $3 a student.  You will receive your poster at after the final home football game to take home.

Cost for the posters will be $38 per student and checks should be written out to “Big Photo” and put in an envelope with the senior’s name on it.  Please bring this on that Tuesday.   Senior Families – If you have not yet done so, please respond to [email protected] with one of the following options:

  • Option 1) I would like a poster and will be eating pizza.
  • Option 2) I would like a poster but will not be eating pizza
  • Option 3) I do not want a poster or pizza

Thank you for your response!


The marching band will meet Monday and Thursday evenings during July and August. Rehearsals will be 6:00 – 8:30pm and are held at OCHS starting July 5th.   Attendance is expected at summer band rehearsal if you are in town.  If you’re on vacation or out of town for any of these dates, please notify Mr. Centers at[email protected].   Whenever possible, please provide advance notice of any conflicts.  This makes a difference as the Director and Coaches plan ahead to make the best use of all practice sessions. Failure to contact Mr. Centers to resolve summer band rehearsal date conflicts will result in you not having a spot in the marching band’s halftime show. If you have not attended a summer band rehearsal and have not notified Mr. Centers for the reason(s) of your absence, do not expect to have a spot in the marching band show that will be taught at band camp. 

Students should have their music prepared and placed in a flip folder for summer rehearsals. If you have not yet picked up a music packet, you may do so at any summer rehearsal, a drum major or band director can help you find the music packets. 

Flip folders and music lyres are also available to purchase from the band boosters at summer rehearsals and should be taken care of prior to the first day of band camp. 

Students should dress comfortably to practice outside and wear appropriate tennis shoes and socks for rehearsals. 

  • In order to keep students hydrated throughout summer band rehearsals, we ask that each band student bring in a case of bottled water.  Thank you to those who have already sent this in, if you have not had a chance yet your student can still bring a case in this week!
  • Materials to Purchase through the Band Program at Rehearsals:
    • Flip Folios for $8.00.
    • Lyre Prices:  Baritone $8; Mellophone $13; Trombone $12; Trumpet $7; Bach Combo $19; Clarinet $8; Sax $8; and Drum $11

Summer Packet Information has been uploaded to the band website and can be accessed using this link.  This information will not be printed by the OCHS BAND Boosters and will need to be printed at home.  The Medical Release form will need to be notarized.  The Oldham County Public Library (Main Branch) will notarize documents at no cost by appointment only.  You may call and make an appointment at 502-222-9713.   There will be a Notary on site before band rehearsals on July 22nd from 5:30-6:00pm as well as during check-in on the first morning of band camp.  Be sure to bring a photo ID for the notarizing process. Our thanks to Jenn Silliman for helping with this!   All forms will need to be turned in as soon as possible.   Please refer to the DOCUMENTS Tab under the STUDENTS Section on the OCHS Band Website https://ochs.band/students/documents.


Marching Band Camp will be July 26-30.  All sessions will be held at OCHS.  Attendance is mandatory each day of camp for all band students.  Band camp is the time when the marching band’s half-time show is learned. Students who do not attend band camp will not have a spot in the marching band half-time show.  The cost for band camp is $80.00 and is paid with your school registration in August.  The daily schedule for band camp is provided in the summer packet as well as below: 

Band Camp Daily Schedule July 26-30, 2021 

  • 8:00 am Assemble at OCHS Band room
  • 8:30 Visual Block: fundamentals of marching (practice field)
  • 10:00 Break (Students should bring a snack for this break)
  • 10:20 Visual (Drill) or Music: this can change each day as needed
  • 11:30 Lunch Break: either bring a lunch or make arrangements
  • 1:00 pm Music : Sectionals (or full band when needed)
  • 3:20 Break
  • 3:40 Music: Full band
  • 5:00 Dinner (on your own)
  • 6:30 Music and Visual: Drill/Music teaching session (practice field)
  • 8:30 Announcements and End of day

Band Camp Spirit Day Themes:

  • Monochrome Monday
  • Disney Day Tuesday
  • Twins Wednesday
  • Throwback Thursday
  • Dress like your Favorite Senior Friday

 PRIOR TO CAMP, you should have:

  • AND……….A GREAT ATTITUDE!!!!!! We as a group and as individuals must treat our school facility AND the staff who take care of it with great respect—we don’t want to make the job of getting things ready for the first day of school any more difficult than it already is!
  • A FEW RANDOM THOUGHTS: During football season the OCHS Marching Colonels make many new friends through the quality of our performances, by entertaining the fans and by supporting our football team in their efforts on the field. Each year, there are many, many positive comments from people on BOTH sides of the stadium each Friday night we perform. In more than a few cases, we may have been the reason they stayed through the end of the game! We are looking forward to these opportunities for our school and the community to see and hear you, and find out what we already know—the best students and most talented people in our school are BAND MEMBERS! It is really important that we all remember that the reason we are “in the band” is for the MUSIC, and the PEOPLE we make music with. Marching band is simply one of the ways we can show off our considerable abilities. It is vital that we do our usual great job of performing and that we attend all rehearsals and performances (and after all, you are receiving a grade AND academic credit for doing so). I truly believe we make a difference in how we are perceived in our school and community through presenting shows the whole audience can identify with and helping them become more involved in the “game night atmosphere”. As talented as you are, we should be really good at doing that! Our goals for the marching band: 1) Entertain our audiences well and often—they will notice us if we do. 2) Become the unifying entity at football games—school spirit, team support, fan interest. We should be the reason fans come to ball games—and we will be if our approach is correct, we play the right things and play them well! 3) Present musically appropriate performances incorporating high levels of audience appeal, variety, and musicianship. And finally………. HAVE FUN WITH MARCHING BAND! P.S.: (All of the following are dependent upon being able to gather in large groups…)


Mr. Centers will be able to offer a Music Theory course for all interested students this coming school year. The class will be offered during 2nd period and will cover both written and aural music theory knowledge and skills. This course is open to any student who desires a deeper knowledge and understanding of how music works, including musical analysis and composition. It is highly recommended for any student considering studying music in college at any level in the future. 

If you are interested in this course, please email Mr. Steedly at [email protected] as soon as possible so that you can be added to this course. 

This course is not just for band students. If you have a friend in choir or someone who would be interested in this course, please share this information with them. 


Are you or your student musician interested in joining the Oldham County Community Band?  

Students who rehearse and perform with this ensemble can claim Beta or NHS community service hours…as a bonus, they’ll have a horn on their face for at least two additional hours a week, reading and performing music they won’t see in their school ensemble rehearsals!  What a deal…

The OCCB has plenty of room for students on any woodwind, brass or percussion instrument, but those who play double reeds, clarinet, horn, flute or percussion would be huge in balancing the group and opening up even more repertoire possibilities.

 Any kid you consider an “advanced” middle schooler (grade 2-3 capable; good readers) will be able to hang on; most high schoolers fit in right away.  There is no audition or membership fee involved for students. 

The group generally performs grade 3-4 concert literature, marches, popular music medleys and show tunes.  The plan for post-COVID includes performances in late October/early November, Christmas, mid-winter (February/early March) and spring.  Check out the informational flier here!


We communicate band news through various channels and additional channels (Google Classroom, Remind) will be added as the school year begins.  Please feel free to pass this information to other new parents who may not be receiving communication yet.


  • Each Sunday evening, an email is sent with details of the week’s band activities, as well as a preview of upcoming events.  This is our main source of communication.  If it’s a busy week, or there is new information since Sunday, a Wednesday email will be sent out as well.  You may request to be placed on the email list by emailing your students Name, Grade and Instrument to [email protected].  


  • The Band Boosters group maintains a private Facebook group called Oldham County HS Band Boosters!  You can request to join through Facebook and we’ll add you.  This is a good place to get quick answers to your questions, as many people will see your post fairly quickly. 

Contact Information:

  • For Band Booster questions and business, please use the band booster email [email protected].

SAVE THE DATES – Important Dates—Summer and Fall 2021

Summer Band Rehearsals:  Mondays & Thursdays

  • Starts July 5th through the first day of the school year 6:00-8:30 p.m. at OCHS

Band Camp Week

  • July 26-30,  8:30 a.m—8:30 p.m. DAILY at OCHS
  • July 26, 5-6:30pm, Uniform fitting for Seniors in the Band Room
  • July 27, Senior Poster Pictures
  • July 29, 10:30-1pm Marching/Concert Shoe Fitting
  • July 30, 7:30-9:30pm, End of Camp Picnic/Pool Party
    • The Pot Luck Picnic is for all Band Students and their Families at Wendell Moore Park.  The Pool Party at the Aquatic Center is for Band Students only from 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm that same evening.  

Band Trip Meeting

  • August 2, 7:30pm, OCHS Auditorium 

After School Rehearsals (marching band)

  • Every Thursday; August 12—end of season

HOME FOOTBALL DATES FALL 2021 (required performances)

  • August 27th v. Shelby County
  • September 10th v. Meade County
  • October 7th (THURSDAY) v. Eastern (7:00 start)
  • October 22nd  v. GRC (we will not play this game-fall break)
  • (Fall Break October 18-22)
  • October 29th v. Bullitt East (Senior night)


Board Members for 2021-2022

  • President – Chad Adams
  • Vice President – Brandon Gossett
  • Secretary – Melissa Gossett
  • Treasurer – Lisa Zahradnicek
  • Senior Member-at-Large: Katie Fuller
  • Junior Member-at-Large: Stephanie Skeens
  • Sophomore Member-at-Large: Natalie Dorris
  • Freshman Members-at-Large: Mary Tatum

Access the Band Booster Board and Committee Leaders Contact List for additional names and contact emails usingthis Band Booster Board and Committee Leaders Contact List link.