- Welcome at 7:02, Chad Adams presiding via Zoom meeting. 21 people attended.
- Thank you to everyone who volunteered to help with Mums and the Football game last week
- Director’s Comments – click to read
- August Meeting Minutes – Sandy Walker, Reviewed. Approval by Jenn Silliman, 2ndBrandon Gossett
- September Treasurer’s Report – Lisa Zahradnicek reviewed. Approval by Lorena Reed, 2ndSonja Neely
- Election for Senior Board Member—Sonya Cook
- Recap of Football game
- What went well? Thank you to all the volunteers. Get your tickets ASAP when they are available
- What can we improve? Talked about possible solutions for lighting as it gets darker. Will check with Mr. Letendre to see what type of lighting will be allowed. Remind students to pick up their belongings, throw away water bottles
- Upcoming Events
- Last week of Rehearsals during NTI
- After School Rehearsals for when A/B schedule starts will be from 4-5:15 A will be on Wednesday; B will be on Tuesday
- Next two football games are Oct 2ndand Oct 16th; last game Oct 30th
- Committees Reports
- Communication–Sonya Cook
- Uniform Coordinators – Charlie/Becky Christensen – Will be fitting students for marching uniforms this week and next. There will be an alternate shoe for female students without Dinkles. Will need to order gloves for all students. Will need an additional 2-3 parent volunteers before/after next game to assist with uniforms
- Show Shirts – Lisa Adams. Will have extras for sale once everyone that has ordered receives theirs
- Hospitality—Tammy Passafiume/Nicole Tschappat – Possible tailgate type meal next game. Students that are in school on game days will need to be able to eat prior to practice before the game. Need to be preboxed individual meals
- Directory—Katie Fuller – still have some missing info
- Instrument Rental—Lorena Reed
- Letterman Jacket—Sonja Neely – will see if more jackets can be ordered. Spirit wear can still be ordered
- Website—Katie Fuller
- Pictures– Kathleen Beville – Thank you to all the parents that took pictures and uploaded them to FB
- Volunteer Coordinator—Kathleen Beville – be on the look out for volunteer sign ups for the football games
- Large Instrument Truck Transport—Casey Burrows
- All District—Jennifer Otterback/Sonja Neely – on hold
- Drum Major Stand/Stage Setup and Breakdown—Eric Tschappat
- Fundraising
- Graeter’s Ice Cream—Brenda Kibiloski – We are now able to use Square for payments
- Scrips Gift Cards—Angie Barrett – Good idea for Christmas gifts
- Sponsorships—Katie Fuller – Still in the process of contacting sponsors. Need contact info for someone at Plainview Cleaners
- Mum Sale Coordinator—Nicole Tschappat/Jenn Silliman – Great job. Sold $12,282 with profit of $6143
- Snapraise – starts tomorrow and lasts 28 days
- DON’T FORGET about Passive Fundraisers (free money doing shopping you would be doing anyway)
- Kroger Community Rewards, Oldham County High School Band or code QJ874
- Amazon Smile, set your Amazon Smile Charity to Oldham County High School Band Boosters In your Amazon account
- Band Booster Organization volunteers needed for this year
- Alumni Coordinator
- Shadowing Opportunities
- Good role for new parents. This would be good for Freshmen parents
- Open Discussion
- Next Band Boosters meeting will be October 12th (second Monday of the month due to Fall Break).We will also have a Board meeting on October 5th.
- Meeting adjourned at 8:39pm. Motion by Brandon Gossett, 2ndby Katie Fuller