Band Boosters: Meeting Minutes for February 15


  • Welcome at 7:02, Chad Adams presiding via Zoom meeting, 13 attendees
  • January Meeting Minutes – Sandy Walker, Review & Approval, 2ndby Lisa Zahradnicek
  • February Treasurer’s Report – Lisa Zahradnicek, Review & Approval, 2ndby Sonya Cook
    • Treasurer mailed the 2019- 2020 OCHS Band Booster’s Tax Return on 2/04/21.
    • There are not many changes from last month.
    • Received a check from Kroger Reward Check for $679.38
    • Received a Head Grant for $5,000
    • For expenses, we had: Storage $228, Concert Attire and an Honorarium.
    • We have an ending balance of $32,942.06 as of 2/13/21.
    • The only outstanding check is for Beth Sammett $315.00 for tax return preparation.
  • Director’s Comments
  • Upcoming Events
    • After School Rehearsals, Tuesday for Band 2; Wednesday for Band 1/Jazz Band
    • Solo and Ensemble 
    • All County Band – may need parent volunteers
  • Committees Reports
    • Communication–Sonya Cook – Andie Marx is going to take this over for next year
    • Uniform Coordinators – Charlie/Becky Christensen
    • Hospitality—Tammy Passafiume/Nicole Tschappat – Band banquet is May 21st, possibly in the gym
    • Directory—Katie Fuller
    • Website—Katie Fuller – needs someone to shadow to take over this in the future
  • Fundraising
    • Flower sale— Nicole Tschappat/Jenn Silliman – will receive info in March
    • Scrips Gift Cards—Angie Barrett
    • Sponsorships—Katie Fuller
    • DON’T FORGET about Passive Fundraisers (free money doing shopping you would be doing anyway)
      • Kroger Community Rewards, Oldham County High School Band or code QJ874
      • Amazon Smile, set your Amazon Smile Charity to Oldham County High School Band Boosters In your Amazon account
    • Band Booster Organization volunteers needed for this year
      • Oldham County Day Coordinator
      • Alumni Coordinator
      • Pictures
      • Shadowing Opportunities
        • Good role for new parents
      • Band Booster Organization Position/Volunteers for NEXT year
        • We will need a committee of about 2-3 members to fill nominations for the Board Position Officers:President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Treasurer-elect and 4 Members at large (one for each grade).These members cannot be anyone seeking a Board Position for next year.  We will probably meet in March or April to discuss nominations.
        • Current officers who want to continue their role will need to email me at [email protected]
        • Anyone interested in serving one of these positions needs to email me at [email protected]
        • For current Committee/Fundraiser Coordinators, please email me at [email protected]if you are interested in continuing your role
      • Open Discussion
      • Next Band Boosters meeting will be March 15th. Tentatively Schedule Board meeting for March 8th.
      • Meeting adjourned at 7:51pm. Motion by Charlie Christensen, 2ndby Katie Fuller