- Welcome at 7:02, Chad Adams presiding over Zoom meeting; 13 attendees
- October Meeting Minutes – Sandy Walker, Review & Approval by Charlie Christensen; 2nd Brandon Gossett
- November Treasurer’s Report – Lisa Zahradnicek, Review & Approval by Brandon Gossett; 2nd by Nicole Tschappat
- Director’s Comments – click link to view
- Upcoming Events
- After School Rehearsals (6-7:30); Tuesday for Band 2; Wednesday for Band 1/Jazz Band
- Seating Auditions: Dec 7-14
- Holiday Concert: Dec 15th (Students have music; hoping to have students in seats in auditorium and record or live stream for viewing)
- Committees Reports
- Communication–Sonya Cook; see newsletter or FB page for info
- Uniform Coordinators – Charlie/Becky Christensen; still a few students that need to turn marching uniforms; 5 students still need to get measured for tuxes; emails will be send out to individuals that need to pay for tux shirts
- Show Shirts – Lisa Adams – have some extra for sale
- Hospitality—Tammy Passafiume/Nicole Tschappat – next event would be all district, but will likely be online
- Directory—Katie Fuller
- Website—Katie Fuller – Discussed new web support to help maintain continuity between officers each year. Click this link to view the Band Booster leadership and to access links for each board member, fundraising volunteer, and committee lead.
- Letterman Jacket—Sonja Neely
- Pictures—need new committee chairperson
- Volunteer Coordinator—need new committee chairperson
- Large Instrument Truck Transport—Casey Burrows
- All District—Jennifer Otterback/Sonja Neely
- Stage Setup and Breakdown—Eric Tschappat
- Fundraising
- Graeter’s Ice Cream—Brenda Kibiloski – no new orders for now
- Scrips Gift Cards—Angie Barrett – hope to have these available soon
- Sponsorships—Katie Fuller – Bully’s will provide a meal when we need it since we were unable to use them during football season
- Snapraise – made $14,462.70
- DON’T FORGET about Passive Fundraisers (free money doing shopping you would be doing anyway)
- Kroger Community Rewards, Oldham County High School Band or code QJ874
- Amazon Smile, set your Amazon Smile Charity to Oldham County High School Band Boosters In your Amazon account
- Band Booster Organization volunteers needed for this year
- Alumni Coordinator
- Pictures, volunteer coordinator
- Shadowing Opportunities
- Good role for new parents
- Open Discussion – Will try to use Google Meet next meeting
- Adjourned at 7:57 pm; approved by Charlie Christensen; 2nd by Katie Fuller
- Next Band Boosters meeting will be December 14th.