- Welcome at 7:03 pm, Chad Adams presenting, 23 in attendance
- January Meeting Minutes – Melissa Gossett, Review & Approval: Charlie Christensen/Michelle Nation
- February Treasurer’s Report – Lisa Zahradnicek, Review and Approval: Brandon Gossett/Tammy Passafiume
- Director’s Comments
- Mr. Centers formally requested $17,000 be transferred from the OCHS Band Booster funds to the OCHS school funds for paraprofessionals, bus transportation, state concert registration fees, reeds, music lyres and supplies, and to continue the OCHS Band Program activities for the remainder of this school year, as well as fund band camp staffing for the upcoming year. Motions made by Rena Fry and Brandon Gossett. Motion approved.
- Band Trip Update
- Medical Forms discussion: Need to turn in COVID waiver form. Medication forms are due by 3/28 to school nurse.
- Additional Details-students need to wear their band shirts for the clinic and pictures.
- Band Banquet
- Date set for Friday, April 29th at OCHS Gym-Seniors need to start brining in their posters after spring break. Everyone will need to bring a dessert to banquet. Checking on table availability and the Arvin Center as well.
- Positions for next year; Elections will be in April
- Need President
- Need either Treasurer or Treasurer Elect
- Have candidate for Vice President
- Have someone shadowing for Secretary
- Committee Coordinators
- Urgent (Have tasks in summer)
- T-Shirts
- Band Website Support
- Instrument Rental
- Volunteer Coordinator
- Oldham County Day Co-chair to shadow current chair
- Others
- Sponsorships
- Directory
- Hospitality Co-chair with current chair
- Picture Coordinator
- Large Instrument Truck Coordinator
- All District Co-chair with current chair
- Urgent (Have tasks in summer)
- Upcoming Events
- U of L Honor Band Makeup March 25 and 26th
- Pit Orchestra
- Practices ongoing (Tuesday and Thursday mornings)
- Sitzprobe on March 31
- Tech Rehearsals on April 13, 14, and 15th
- Dress Rehearsals on April 20 and 21st
- Shows on April 22 and 23rd
- Jazz will host a performance lunch on April 1st
- Band Trip April 2 through 8
- Recital Night at CUMC Sunday, April 10
- Chamber Ensemble Concert on April 26-Prism concert-Each section and the Jazz Band will perform.
- Band Banquet on April 29
- Committees Reports
- Spring Flowers Sale-Orders are due 3/24-delivery and pick up will be 4/27
- Open
- Seniors need to be thinking about their thank you videos-under three minutes
- Next Booster meeting will be April 18
- Open Discussion/Other Business
- Adjourned at 8:00pm Lisa Adams/Staci Centers